The Escort

I stand here at this granite wall
And think of the good old days
When all we did on summer days
Was sit around or play ball

We graduated from high school
We worked a year or two
Then Uncle Sam replaced our jobs
And M-16s became our tool

I went to the Airborne
You chose the Artillery
Molly said good bye to you
While Jenny cried 'til morn

We were young and shining heroes
To the folks we left behind
We were going to fight for peace
For a people we didn't know

We came into this foreign land
A green and naïve bunch
And left with different feelings
That no one could understand

We both came home a different sort
And will never be the same
Since you arrived in a long pine box
And I arrived as your escort

They buried you on that Friday
And all your friends were there
Some visit you very often
Some visit you every day

It's not the same without you
I can't expect it to be
But I never will forget
What we gave away we, two

I stand here at this granite wall
And think of the good old days
When all we did on summer days
Was sit around or play ball

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Bob Staranowicz

101st Airborne

Please visit my website to learn about my new book
"Chapter One: The Story of Vic Charles"

Music: "Imagine"