A long time ago,
Or maybe only yesterday,
I met a girl,
And she had beautiful black hair,
And eyes to match...

At first she looked at me with doubt,
Because I was a stranger...
In a land with little trust...

But as time went on,
We grew closer, and closer...

Every day she came to see me,
And every day we talked.
We talked of happy things,
And things to come...

One day I left on patrol,
And when I returned she was gone...

Where could she be? I asked,
And no one seemed to know.

Later I found out why...

This precious person was but seven,
And lived in a village in Vietnam...

She died of kindness,
Killed by VC
For coming to me to talk...

I will never forget you Mia...
You will always be in my thoughts
And dreams...

Killed by enemy fire...February, 1969


Gene was with Co. C 1/8th. Infantry 4th. Infantry Div.
And Co. B 3/12 Infantry 4th. Infantry Div.
From June 1968 until June 1969

" ...wounded and lost too many friends..."
