A Letter To My Son

Barbara L. Milliman-Slaby

Dear Son,
The day you joined the military,
your father and I were so proud.
We went to your graduation ceremony....
but became lost faces in the crowd.

I cried myself to sleep,
the night you left for Viet Nam.
I remember the sound of your laughter
and how you smiled as you said,
"I'll be ok, don't worry mom."

We've kept all your letters
and the pictures of your platoon.
Your tour was almost over....
you were coming home in June.

I cried the day we got the news
they said your plane went down.
Several bodies were recovered....
but yours they never found.

It broke my heart to wonder
if you were really MIA,
or were you a POW....
and they didn't want to say.

I took a trip to see "The Wall"
with the names of those who died.
There were so many people there....
I thought of you and cried.

I touched the bracelet with your name
and prayed others would hear my plea,
that many are still missing....
and waiting to be free.

I will not quit fighting
I know I'm not alone,
I will make my voice heard....
until every soldier is brought home.
Love, Mom

*This poem is dedicated to all of the MIA/POW's who are still out there....waiting to come home. We have not forgotten....

© July 4, 1995 Barbara L. Milliman

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