Garnet  Jenkins Grand Junction CO 81501 USA ~ In Humble Tribute To A Fallen Hero ~
 In Tribute to SP4 James Thomas Davis, with So Much Gratitude for his Courage, Service and Dedication to our Country and for Freedom. Rest well and know that you will NEVER BE FORGOTTEN. I am the sister of Sgt David Dickinson, who also made the Supreme Sacrifice in Vietnam 1967.....'NOR SHALL YOUR GLORY BE FORGOT, WHILE FAME HER RECORD KEEPS, OR HONOR POINTS TO THE HALLOWED SPOT, WHERE VALOR PROUDLY SLEEPS' ~ Theodore O’Hara ~ Dec 22, 2011 |
Luca Catarin Today, on the 50th anniversary of your death, I honor your sacrifice. Dec 22, 2011 |
Gene  Richert ASA Vietnam vet Visalia CA School children will hear your story tomorrow while the Traveling Wall visits Cutler, California. ASA is gone, but will not be forgotten. Nov 3, 2011 |
manny g Fellow Veteran 69-70 An Khe Union Gap, WA. 98903 “You are Remembered” Peace and condolence, to the family and friends. “He which hath no stomach, to this fight, let him depart. But we in it, shall be remembered. We few, we happy few, we band of brothers!! For he today, that sheds his blood with me, shall always be my brother.” Rest in peace brave soldier, you have not been forgotten. (W.Shakespeare) May God Bless you, for your Sacrifice!!! Jun 1, 2010 |
DOUG Snyder C2555D@VERIZON.NET freedom 2555, MIDDLE WAY, Easton, pa., 18040, USA NOT FORGOTTEN HERO just to let you know, that you are not forgotten, hero. thank you, for your sacrifice. Feb 15, 2010 |
Edward Henry 5814, Bayside Drive, Fort Worth, TX., 76132, USA From A Fellow Vet. I honor, your service and your sacrifice. You, are not forgotten. May you, rest in peace. Sep 3, 2009 |
Billy  Pettross none The James Davis I knew The James Davis I Knew
I first met James Davis when we were in school at Tennessee Tech. During the short time that I had the honor of knowing James we became very close friends. James was an avid fisherman and we spent many hours together on the Dale Hollow lake near his home in Livingston. He was a quite and unassuming person.
I met James’ mother at their home in Livingston. She was a wonderful person. I recall that once she fixed a steak dinner for us after one of our fishing trips. I was aware that James dropped out of college and joined the army because I recall trying to persuade him to stay in college. The last time I saw James was once after he joined the army he came back to the Tech campus while on leave. I never saw him after that.
The next time I heard anything about James was an article in the Orange County Register in California about a James Davis from Livingston, TN who was the first soldier killed in action in Vietnam. I found that it was the same James Davis I knew in college. It saddened me then and it still saddens me today that this young man had to give his life for our country. He was a good friend.
Billy Pettross
Jun 3, 2009 |
Robert Blaze I'am to young, to have met Mr. Davis. I'am in no way related, to him, nor do I know, his family. What I do know, is that he should, be remembered and honored. He did his duty, in a far away, land and was killed, in service, to his country. I thank him, for his service. He made, the ultimate sacrifice. God bless him and his family. Dec 22, 2007 |
Bill Carey Fellow Tennessean As the founder and creator of a web site, that teaches Tennessee history, to kids, I can assure you, that I'am doing everything I can, to see that the name James Davis, (first American killed, in the Vietnam War) is put into the curriculum. It disgusts me, that there are 33, state historic markers, to Nathan Bedford Forrest and zero, for Davis and I'm going, to change that also. Nov 30, 2006 |
Jim Marsh Member, of 3rd, RRU., 1962-63. 4384, South, 1100, East, Salt Lake City, Ut., 841248, USA Let's, get it right. Although Tom, (If you called him "Jim," you didn't know him) died, before my arrival at 3rd, RRU., I well knew the people who recovered, his body. They stated, that his weapon was a U.S., Army issue Carbine, cal. .30, M2, semi, or fully automatic, gas piston operated, shoulder weapon. By their count, he had expended his entire basic load, of 90, rounds, of ammunition and there were indications, that he had fought on with rifle stock and knife. The base station of the 3d, RRU., at Ton San Nhut, was named after him, Det., 1, of that unit, stationed, in Danang and later in Phu Bai, were unoficially named by those of us, who were there and opened those units, as "Davis I," Lawrence k Ludwig, Sgt., Donn Mann and others, can verify this. We were issued, the U.S., carbine Cal., 30, gas-operated, shoulder weapon M-2, as our basic service weapon. I swapped a case of Wild Turkey, to Special Forces for a Swedish "K" and two cases, of magazined 9mm, amunition and disassembled, the M-2 and discarded it, into the jungle piece by piece, as we drove back to our unit. The pieces were thrown into the jungle, in 1/4, mile increments, to prevent Charlie, from reassembling the weapon. Tom Davis, rests in honored glory in a small cemetery, near his home town - a site which was visited and honored, by the "Old Spooks and Spies," National Convention, this year. Sep 8, 2006 |