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Martha Moorehead
Great Uncle
Atlanta, TX., 75551, USA
(From a website/U.S., Unaccounted-For from the Vietnam, War Defense, Prisoner, of War/Missing, Personnel Office, Alphabetical Listing, of all U. S., Personnel, who are, or were unaccounted for, from the Vietnam War, 1968-OCTOBER-20/Home, of Record- Mt. Dora, Florida. His wife, wouldn't talk to me, about him, or her son, who is dead, also. I dug this up out, of sheer stubborness. He gave his all, for a Country, that didn't really appreciate, at the time. May he rest in peace, where ever, his remains are.
Monday, August 14, 2000

Martha Moorehead
Great Niece
Atlanta, TX., 75551, USA
The date of incident, is listed, as October 20, 1968, in records listed. All I can figure is, that is when the crash, was and they waited, ten years, to declare him, dead. Aircraft type-CH47A - rank W-3, Presumptive Finding, of Death. No remains returned, or Identified.
Monday, August 14, 2000

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