Malcolm Kirby USAF Veteran-191st photo recon. Rest in Peace, my Brother, You will, not be forgotten... Mar 11, 2008 |
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Bill Gallenstein USAF Veteran Zephyrhills, FL., 33541, USA A very proud cold war USAF veteran remembers you on this day. My God bless you and your family always. I salute you, Thank you.
Apr 1, 2007 |
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Donald Correll A true Hero Richard, will be recoginized, for his service to our country, this Memorial day, in his home town Hamburg, Pa.. An honor, long, over due. His heroic acts, were not public, until a 2, page article, in the Reading newspaper, explaining, what he did for his country. May he, rest in peace. Friday, February 25, 2005 |
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Orfeo Trombetta Friend and co-worker - USAF retired 13138, 75th, Ave., No., Seminole, FL., 33776, USA UNFORGOTTEN I knew, this Airman, his wife and his children. I had, the privilege, of serving, with him, at the BISMARK, RBS. His expertise and dedication, were always, evident. His heroism, under fire, not surprising. He was, a loving husband, a good father and a good, son. Heroes die, but, are never forgotten. I never set out, my Flag, without thoughts, of him and his family. Wednesday, August 09, 2000 |
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A. B CMSgt., Richard L Etchberger. A Soldiers Love, for his Brothers.
![]( The highest decoration, the Air Force can present, for bravery, is, the Air Force Cross. This award, is awarded, to U.S. and Foreign, military personnel and civilians, who have displayed extraordinary heroism, in one of the following, situations: while engaged in action against, a U.S., enemy, while engaged, in military operations involving conflict, with a foreign, force, or while serving, with a Friendly nation engaged, in armed conflict, against a force, in which the United States, is not, a belligerent party. Prior, to 1960, when Congress established, the Air Force Cross, enlisted men, were decorated, with the Distinguished, Service Cross, for heroic actions. In the Vietnam, era, countless airman performed brave acts, which were above and beyond, the call, of duty, however, of the enlisted, airmen, only 20, were awarded, the Air Force Cross. Since 1975, only one airman has earned, the award, bringing the total to 21, recipients. Chief, Etchberger was born, 5, March 1933, in Hamburg, PA.. After a long and distinguished career, the Chief was assigned, to the 1043d, Radar, Evaluation Squadron, Bolling, AFB., DC.. The Chief was, deployed, to Laos, in support of OPERATION, HEAVY GREEN, a highly classified and covert operation, providing precision, radar bombing, in North Vietnam. Geneva Accords, prohibited stationing, US., Armed forces personnel, in Laos except, for accredited attaches. Chief, Etchberger and other selected, personnel, were "officially" discharged, from the Air Force and hired outside the Department, of Defense. On 11, March 1968, Chief, Master Sergeant, Richard L. Etchberger, was manning a defensive position, when the radar, site, Lima, Site 85, was overrun, by enemy, ground forces. The enemy was, able, to deliver sustained and withering fire, directly upon, this position, from higher ground. His entire crew dead, or wounded, Chief, Etchberger continued, to return the enemy's fire, thus denying them, access, to the position. During this entire, period, Chief, Etchberger continued, to direct, air strikes and call for air rescue, on his emergency, radio, thereby, enabling the air, evacuation force, to locate, the surrounded, friendly element. When air rescue, arrived, Chief, Etchberger, deliberately exposed himself, to enemy fire in order, to place, his three, surviving, wounded comrades, in the rescuer, slings, permitting them to be airlifted, to safety. As Chief, Etchberger was, finally being rescued, he was, fatally wounded, by enemy ground fire. His fierce defense which culminated, in the supreme, sacrifice, of his life, saved not only the lives, of his three, comrades, but provided, for the successful, evacuation, of the remaining, survivors, of the base. Chief, Etchberger, was posthumously awarded, the Purple Heart and the Air Force Cross. He was added, to the official, Department, of Defense, killed, in Action listing, sometime after 1981. CMSgt., Richard L Etchberger, Sir! Hand Salute! A.B Monday, March 11, 2002 |
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Donald Correll You are not Forgotten Well Richard, You have honored, this country, with what you did, so many years ago. It is a shame, that your wife and parents, are no longer, with us, to hear how brave their son, was and how others are alive, because of what you did. I can't understand, why, President Johnson, refused, to grant you the Medal of Honor, when it was approved, all the way to him. He was, the coward and did not want, to be embarrased, is what we have been told. Here we are, in another war and I'am afraid, that the out come, will be the same, as Vietnam and many lives, will be lost for nothing. I pray and hope it doesn't come down to the public taking it out on the individual soldier. This is your day and I have not forgotten you You would be proud of your sons and their families as they have not forgotten you. Don C Friday, November 11, 2005 |
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