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Neil Wilson
USMC 1965-69, RVN 68-69, Delta 1/7
Semper Fidelis
Sunday, August 07, 2005

Bruce Anderson
1555 Merrill St. #55
Santa Cruz, Ca 95062 US
Semper Fi, My Brother
Brian was an extraordinary human being. I remember first meeting him when we were in India Company,3rd Battalion, 7th Marines, at Camp Las Pulgas, in the 1st Marine Division, at Camp Pendleton, California, 1964. Brian had a profound sense of ethics, and an absolutely supereme quality of utterly serene self confidence completely devoid of any sense of self importance. You knew that he was a real human being. And you knew, if you were fortunate enough to be a member of his squad, that he would do all that was humanly possible to take care of you. When Brian died, I watched the fire-fight from the hill-side where my platoon spent four months of the six months we were in Vietnam. The ambush came out of nowhere, as they often did. Roughly a mile or so from where I watched, the squad that Brian was leading along a trail to set up a night ambush for the Viet Cong, was hit by a command-detonated mine, along the trail. A furious fire-fight followed. I watched, but I only learned the details later, while Brian though mortally wounded led his squad in setting up a perimeter, and called in an airstrike on the VC. Brian, bleeding to death, thought only of the people in his squad. The day following the ambush, I spoke with one of the people in his squad. "Brian said to tell his friends good-bye," he told me. He said, shortly after the mine went off, "I can feel my stomach filling with blood, I know I am dying." Brian was wonderful, he was remarkable beyond belief. I truly miss him. Bruce Anderson
Saturday, August 31, 2002

Rhode Island USA

You are an American hero whose ultimate sacrifice will not be forgotten. Rest well brave Marine. You will be remembered for always being faithful to God, Country, Family and the Corps. - "Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference. The Marines don't have that problem." ~ President, Ronald Reagan, 1985 ~ ~ CPL GAUTHIER USMC, YOU HAVE MADE A DIFFERENCE TO WHICH I AM VERY GRATEFUL. Thank you for your sacrifice and honorable service to this great nation.
Tuesday, November 22, 2005

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