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William  Taylor
A Fellow Veteran
Rocky, I'm on my way out the door to attend Memorial Day Services in Bonita Springs Florida. They line the entire park with American Flags. As they play taps and my tears flow for all our Fallen Heroes, you will be in my thoughts again. God Bless you, and rest well in His loving embrace.
May 30, 2011

A Fellow  Veteran
Another March 25th Rocky. Rest well old pal. You are not forgotten. You live on in our hearts and our memories.
Mar 25, 2011

A Fellow  Veteran
Heading to the Wall today. See you there.
Jan 22, 2011

An Old  Buddy
Happy New Year Rocky
Jan 4, 2011

A Proud  Veteran
Merry Christmas Rocky.
Dec 27, 2010

A Young  Family Member
Distant Cousin
To Know You
I wish I could have known you. I am honored to have you as a family member, and to see that so many people have left you such heartfelt comments.
Oct 31, 2010

William  Taylor
A Fellow Veteran
Rocky, on this Memorial day we all remember you and the other brave Veterans who have sacrificed so much.
May 31, 2010

Tim  Brokoff
Veitnam Veteran
'It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived.' General George Patton
May 30, 2010

A Fellow  Veteran
Another year Rocky.
Apr 1, 2010

A Fellow  Veteran
There is an inscription, on a Gate at Arlington, National Cemetery, that reads 'Rest easy, sleep well, my brothers. Know, the line has held, your job is done. Rest easy, sleep well. Others have taken up, where you fell, the line has held Peace, peace, and farewell'
Aug 13, 2009

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