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Michael Spakes
The story of Dad's death was missing for many years. The newspapers misreported the events and only recently did my Mother and Brother find the writeup. This is how I remember it also. Awarded: Bronze Star Medal with "V" Device (First Oak Leaf Cluster) For heroism in connection with ground operations against a hostile force in the Republic of Vietnam: Sergeant First Class Spakes distinguished himself by exceptionally valorous actions on 12 March 1968 while serving as an advisor to a small security force which was ambushed by a platoon of enemy snipers. After leading his small security group to a defensive position and attempting to fight off the attackers, he realized that he must break out of the enemy encirclement. Sergeant Spakes courageously led his small force in an assault against one side of the enemy encirclement. He and another member of his element were pursued and surrounded. Without regard for his own life he stopped and returned fire on the enemy allowing his comrade to escape. Sergeant Spakes' gallantry in action was in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service and reflects great credit upon himself, the Special Forces and the United States Army.
Sunday, June 16, 2002

Michael Spakes
Exerpts of emails sent to me by my Mother: "Last year, I talked to the man that was Estel's Commanding Officer in Vietnam. He told me that he saw Estel get killed. He was watching through binoculars. He told me that Estel and his team was out on patrol, and was on their way back to camp when they were ambushed. Also, in late 1968, an Officer came to our house from Nashville. He was one of the men who went out to recover Estel's body. He brought me the personal things that Estel had on him that day. I asked about the Bible that I had bought for him to take to Vietnam. The Officer told me that he picked it up, which was in about 30 pieces and was stained with blood so much that he didn't give it to me." "On the day he was killed, he received the Silver Star, which is the third highest medal in the nation. The most important thing that happened to him, he was saved and born again, gave his heart to Jesus one week before he went to Vietnam."
Sunday, June 16, 2002

Michael Spakes

Friday, November 08, 2002

Michael Spakes

John Tomkins on the left and Dad on the right.
Friday, November 08, 2002

Charlie inot
Special Forces Comrade
35 years ago, Estel and I served together for 3 brief months at the Special Forces Camp A109 (Thoung Duc), Vietnam. We worked hard, laughed a lot, went on combat patrols together, and tried to do our jobs the best we could under difficult circumstances. Estel was lost in action in the prime of his life with much to live for. He was a fine soldier and a good man. I will always honor his memory - Welcome home buddy. LEST WE FORGET.
Monday, November 11, 2002

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Ruby Lea Spakes
Time cannot erase the painful memory of this day. On this day, 38 years ago, my life and the lives of my children changed forever. For the One we loved, lost his life defending our country. May we never forget all the families who lost loved ones, men who will never see their children grown, or able to hug their Grandchildren. This pain you carry around daily. I wish everyone who reads this will pray for our troops in Iraq. May this war end soon and our military can come home. God bless them all. Ruby Lea Spakes
Sunday, March 12, 2006

Dan Curnutt
just a friend
1825 N. Woodlawn
Wichita, KS 67208 USA
You and John are not forgotten
I did not know Estel, but I knew John "Michael" Tomkins very well. John was my "big brother" in that I never had one and he took that role. I am proud that John was able to serve our country and to serve with a man like Estel. It sounds to be like they were two peas in a pod. I wish they had both been able to come home whole. But their sacrifice will not be forgotten. Thank you Estel for your service and for your friendship to my brother John.
Sunday, May 07, 2006

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