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William  Taylor
A Fellow Veteran
Remembering you, and all of Americas brave hero's, on this Memorial Day. A fellow veteran, wants to thank you, for the precious freedoms, I enjoy everyday. Paid for, with the ultimate sacrifice, made by you and other young Patriots. Let us all remember that Freedom, is not free. Thank God, for these brave young Americans, who have answered the call, throughout our history.
May 26, 2008

manny   g
Fellow Veteran 69-70 An Khe
Union Gap, WA. 98903
“You are Remembered”
Peace and condolence, to the family and friends. "He which hath no stomach to this fight, let him depart. But we in it, shall be remembered. We few, we happy few, we band of brothers!! For he today, that sheds his blood with me, shall always be my brother.” Rest in peace brave soldier, you have not been forgotten. (W.Shakespeare) May God Bless you, for your Sacrifice!!!
Mar 25, 2008

A Friend  of Rockys
Happy Thanksgiving old pal. Thinking of you today. We'll save you a place at the table. God Bless.
Nov 22, 2007

A Fellow Veteran
On May 5, 1965, the Brigade, deployed to South Viet Nam, as the first US Army ground combat unit, in that war. Upon arrival, one battalion, of the Royal Australian Army and a battery from New Zealand, were attached to the Brigade -- making the 173d Airborne, the only multi-national combat unit, in the war. Initially headquartered, in Bien Hoa, the Brigade operated, in the four provinces, around Saigon. (Xuan Loc, Long Khanh, Phuoc Long & Phuoc Tuy), but (in its roll as a "Fire Brigade") also went to the Central Highlands, (Pleiku / Kontum) to fight Viet Cong. The 173d also conducted constant operations, against the southern stronghold, of the VC Main Force, in the legendary Iron Triangle, in War Zone D. At 0900 Hours, February 22, 1967 (during Operation Junction City) over 800 paratroopers, jumped into the rice paddies at Katum, in War Zone C. The same unit (plus attached combat engineers and artillerymen) that had made the famous jump, on the Island of Corrugators, (2/503d) during WW2, made the first and only full-sized combat jump, by an American unit (there were Vietnamese jumps of course and some small unit jumps by USMC's Force Recon, as well). Once on the ground, the paratroopers joined the Brigade, in cutting off VC units fleeing a massive sweep by the 1st, 4th, and 25th Infantry Divisions, and the 11th Armored Cavalry regiment. In the summer of 1967, the Brigade saw extensive and bloody action in the Central Highlands, near Kontum, Pleiku, Dak To. In mid-November of 1967, the 2d Battalion, of the 503d Airborne Infantry, pushed units of the 1st and 10th North Vietnamese Army Divisions, towards the Cambodian/Laotian borders. To cover their retreat, into these sanctuaries the elite NVA 174th, Infantry Regiment, was deeply entrenched in a complex of fortified bunkers on Hill 875, near Dak To. On November 6th, two companies from 4th battalion, encountered elements of the NVA 66th Regiment, south of Ben Het and in a fierce firefight lost 7 men. On November 11th (Veteran's Day), Charlie Company and two platoons from Delta Company, 1/503 were ambushed with 20 killed and 154 wounded. PFC John Barnes received the CMH, for his actions during this ambush. On November 19th, 1967, the 2d Battalion of the 503d Airborne Infantry, was ordered to clear Hill 875. Resistance by the communists was intense and the 4th Battalion, of the 503d, joined 2nd battalion, in its efforts. Four days later, on Thanksgiving Day, after some of the bloodiest fighting of the war, the survivors, of the 2d and 4th Battalions, finally reached the summit. Chaplain Watters and PFC Carlos Lozada received the CMH, for their heroism on Hill 875. The 2nd battalion, lost 107 men killed and 282 wounded and 10 MIA. In 1968 the majority of the Brigade, was stationed in the province of Binh Dinh. Operations, were also conducted in the Central Highlands and near Ban Me Thout. For the next four years the Brigade, conducted operations against VC/NVA forces. Not as frequently noted as it should be, the Herd also provided security, for medical teams, involved in MEDCAP; training of indigenous forces for self-defense; and other programs designed to undermine the VC infrastructure, in the rich rice-growing lands of the Coastal Plain. Emphasis was on small unit patrols and combined operations with ARVN/MSF/RF-PF units. The 173d Airborne Brigade, took part in 14 designated campaigns, in RVN. It remained in combat longer than any other American military unit, since the Revolutionary War. It earned four unit citations, had 12 Medal of Honor winners, 1601 Sky Soldiers, were killed in action and another 8,435, were wounded in action. The 10,041 casualties, incurred by the Brigade, were five times greater than those suffered by the 187th Airborne Regiment, in Korea, four times greater than those suffered, by the 11th Airborne Division, in the Pacific, during World War II, more than twice those suffered by the 101st Airborne Division, in Europe, in World War II, and two-thirds of those suffered by the entire 82nd Airborne Division, in WW2.
Jun 30, 2007

A Friend
I'm Free
Don't grieve for me, for now I'm free,
I'm following the path God laid for me
I took his hand when I heard Him call
I turned my back and left it all
I could not stay that day
to laugh, to love, to work or play
Task undone must stay that way
I found peace at the close of the day
If my parting left a void
then filled it with remembered joy
A friendship shared, a laugh, a kiss
Ah, these things I too will miss
Be not burdened with time of sorrow
I wish for you the sunshine of tomorrow
My life's been full, I savored much
Good friends, good times, a loved one touched
Perhaps my time seemed all to brief
But don't lengthen it now with undue grief
Lift up your hearts and share with me
God wanted me now, He set me free!."
Jun 28, 2007

William D. Taylor
Remembering you, and all of Americas fallen hero's on this Memorial Day. May you rest well in Gods loving embrace brave solider, for you sir are a True American Hero.
May 28, 2007

A Friend
Merry Christmas Rocky.
Dec 25, 2006

William Taylor
Freind in Passing
5770 Yahl St. Unit 102 Naples Fl
Our Brief Encounter
Rocky and I had met briefly at the end of one summer in Lavallette NJ. He was a really impressive guy. He was passing through on his motorcycle on his way home to be drafted. When I heard of his passing it so affected me, I joined the military myself. Our breif encounter so many years ago has altered the course of my life. God bless you Rocky. I think of you often. The world lost a great gift with your passing. See you on the other side someday.
Oct 7, 2006

John Allen
22 Bayberry Drive
Queensbury, NY 12804 USA
There wasn't a member of the KUA Class of 65 that didn't like Rocky. I served safely in the Navy and have had a wonderful life - saddens me greatly to think that Rocky was not allowed to do the same.
Thursday, June 08, 2006

Buck Boehm
Home town friend/ Marine in Nam
8350 E. Via De Bellaza
Scottsdale, AZ 85258 USA
Home Town Friend / Marine who served
While attending N.V.R.H.S., I recall the message, that "Rocky," had been killed in Nam. I later, joined the Marines and also fought in Nam. I knew Rocky and his entire family. I was born and raised in Haworth and after the service, I was a police officer, there until 1983, when I moved to the great state of Arizona. I will always remember, "Rocky" and think of he and his family often.
Tuesday, July 05, 2005

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