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an admirer
I was a young man, when I first learned, your name. As I was growing up, I never really knew, what my father went through, when he was in Vietnam - except, that he was almost always haunted, by it. Then, one night, he told me. He told me about how you, two, had met at Virginia and went through, boot camp together - two, sons, of Indiana, brought together by fate, or who knows what. He said, you became like a brother, to him. He told me, that you had just been blessed, with a baby, daughter and how, you were set to be my his best man, when he married my mother. But that didn't happen. Instead, I listened as my father told me, that you, had been killed. In his eyes and voice, I saw and heard, the grief that I think he still carries with him, to this day. It broke his heart, when you died and it broke my heart, to hear him tell me, about it almost thirty, years, later. I know he still misses, you and he is very proud, of you. Thanks, for taking care, of my dad and being such, a good friend, to him. God bless you and your family. You, are not forgotten.
Friday, October 04, 2002

Viet Vet., 1st, Bn., 3rd, Marines
On 25, May 1969, Bravo, Company, 1/3, Marines, was holding a defensive position near Cam Lo, (in Quang Tri Province, just south, of the DMZ.) when a pallet-load of 81mm, mortar shells, caught fire. The munitions exploded in spite, of efforts to extinguish the blaze, killing, at least 14, Marines more, may have died from injuries, received. The force of the blast is evident, by the fact that the bodies of two, Marines, known to be present could not, be found. Lt., Abbott, was one, of the Marines killed, in this incident.
Wednesday, September 28, 2005

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