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Ray  James
Arriving just before Christmas, departing just before Spring - 3 months in Nam was enough, there to die tho' brave...and i trust others, much feared and by many unknown. Yet, here at we may learn, bit by bit thru the years who you were, where you served, what you loved.....if people who knew you will speak. Are your parents still living? Mine, i lost in a Mission coming back from The Styx - they returned - i did not - i died there in Nam by your side... Do you have brothers? Mine are gone - and of there where we walked, where our shouts and our whispers still are kept by the mud, all that's left are names on the Wall... Do you have sisters? Mine perished - gone on the day i got home - to their words ''we loue you, we love you.. now, please go away..'' I guess they meant sheep - perhaps they love ewe.. By their words and their actions they say: we want to remember you as a baby, a child, a young innocent youth - not to see you all crippled by war - not to hear of the man you've become - not to understand in the least little way what you lived, what you lost, how you died there in Nam
Nov 1, 2011

Manuel Pino  B/2/8th Cav,1st Cav 68-69

B/1/7th Cav Rgt, 1st Cav Div
Dec 6, 2008

Garnet Jenkins
Grand Junction, Co.
Tribute, to a Fallen, Hero
Remembering This Hero, on the anniversary, of the day he gave, his Life for our Country, with a Multitude, of Thanks, for his Courage, Service and dedication. Rest well and know, that you will, NEVER BE FORGOTTEN. From the sister, of a yet, another Fallen, Young Hero, who made the Ultimate Sacrifice, in Vietnam. KIA., 1967.... “They shall, grow not old, as we that are left, grow old. age shall, not weary them, nor, the years condemn. At the going down, of the sun and in the morning, We will remember them.” "For the Fallen" September 1914 ~ R.L. Binyon~
Nov 29, 2006

Fred Wisniewski
fellow American
I honor, you and thank you, for your service and your sacrifice. Your death, was a great loss, to our nation. You, are not forgotten.
Nov 2, 2006

Kimberly Kimmel-Ober
Encinitas, California, United States, of America
For PFC/E-3, James Ackerman and all those, who knew him and loved him, I just want to say, thank you, for your dedication and sacrifice! Please know, that you have, not been forgotten and always, will hold a special place, in my heart! It would have been nice, to have known, you, as a person and I greatly, appreciate your service! I just wish, you, did not, have to pay, so high, a price! You forever will, be a hero, in my eyes!
Thursday, November 29, 2001

Charles Dougherty
Served, in same company
He was, an outstanding, courageous trooper, in B, Company, 1st, Battalion, 7th, US., Cavalry Regiment, 1st, Air, Cavalry Division. This Fallen, Hero Trooper, paid the ultimate, sacrifice, serving our country, in the Vietnam War. He fought, for our country, faithfully, in the firm belief, that doing so, others may enjoy, the liberty and freedoms, that we treasure. Relatives, Friends & Countryman, be proud, that this, OUTSTANDING TROOPER, was an infantry, soldier, in the "Cav.." The same 7th US Cavalry Regiment of General Custer fame. More movies and books have made and written about 7th US Cavalry Regiment than any other Military unit from the Indian War to Vietnam, with more to come. According to the History Channel, the 7th US Cavalry is one of the most decorated units in Military History. Most recent movie is "We Were Soldiers", starring Mel Gibson, an outstanding movie as to what some of the fighting was like in Vietnam War. The 1st Air Cavalry Division had the highest number of combat losses of all Division that fought in the Vietnam War at 5,408, the 7th US Cavalry Regiment had 1,418, Wounded-In-Action estimated at over 20,000. To the chagrin of the Marines we were the Division and the 7th US Cavalry was the Regiment that rescued the Marines out of Khe Sanh, relieving the 3,500 U.S. Marines besieged by nearly 20,000 NVA enemy soldiers. Proudly we fought side-by-side with the Marines at Hue City, A-Shau Valley near the Laotian boarder and many other battles. On 1 May 1970, the Cav. was "First into Cambodia" air assaulting into their Communist sanctuary. The 7th US Cavalry Regiment was the very last infantry combat unit to leave Vietnam in June 1972. The Cav was in Vietnam from August 1965 to June 1972, or 83 months of intense combat. A Very Proud, Loud and Hardy GarryOwen to you, from a fellow Grunt (1967-1968) in B-1-7, 1st Cavalry Division. Visit the following Websites B co., 1st Bn, 7th Cav. Website: 7th Cavalry Regiment: 1st Cavalry Division: Id Drang Valley Battle, LZ Xrayà7th Cavalry re-cap webpage:
Saturday, September 04, 2004

Manuel Pino 2/8 Bco 1st Cav-68-69
Fellow Cav Brother
Rest easy, sleep well my brothers. Know the line has held, your job is done. Rest easy, sleep well. Others have taken up where you fell, the line has held. Peace, peace, and farewell.
Thursday, March 02, 2006

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