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Bill  Weathers
101 Murrey Ct. Elkton KY 42220 USA
Doc Doherty was the first upperclassman to befriend me when I was a plebe at the Naval Academy. He had the respect of all who knew him. This comment is just to express the gratitude of so many of us for his service and sacrifice.
May 26, 2012

John  Doherty
142, Thomas St., South Plainfield, NJ., 07080, USA
To a Doherty, From a Doherty, "Thank You, For Your Service." John Doherty
Apr 1, 2008

manny g
Fellow Veteran 69-70 An Khe
Union Gap, WA. 98903
You are Remembered
Peace and condolence, to the family and friends. “GREATER LOVE, HATH NO MAN THAN THIS, THAT HE LAY DOWN HIS LIFE, FOR HIS FRIENDS” **John 15:13** “You are my friend, always remembered, never forgotten.” May God Bless you, for your Sacrifice!!!
Dec 20, 2007

Bob Barclay
Friend and fellow Marine
4004, Longwood Drive, Fredericksburg, Va., 22408, USA
"Doc.," Doherty, Jerry Bennett and I were, in the same, Marine officer's class, at Quantico and in the same, artillery class, at Ft. Sill, OK.. We went to Vietnam, together and were assigned, to 2nd, Battalion, 12th, Marines, at Chu Lai. We were all, to be assigned, as forward observers, with different 105mm, batteries, of the 12th, Marines. When called before the colonel, for this assignment, the colonel said, that he had, three batteries. Delta, battery, at Khe Sanh, Fox, battery, at Con Thien and Echo, battery, at Chu Lai. He added, that it, was up to, the three of us, to decide, who went where. We all reached, for coins and flipped, for Delta, Battery, at Khe Sanh. Doc., Doherty won. It was now, left, to Jerry and I, to flip for Fox, battery, at Con Thien. We flipped and I lost again. Jerry chose, Con Thien and I was shipped, to Echo, battery, at Chu Lai. One month later, Jerry Bennett was killed, by a hit, on his bunker, by an 85mm, recoiless rifle. One month after Jerry, Doc., Doherty, was with Bravo, Company, 1/9, as a forward observer and was killed, while being overrun, by a North Vietnamese battalion. I miss my friends, to this day and feel guilty, that I lost, the toss twice. God, grant you peace, for your ultimate sacrifice. Semper Fi!
Friday, November 30, 2001

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