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Rob  Pearce
Marine Sgt Nam 66' 67' VMO-6 MAG36
Remembering a Corpsman lost serving with the Marines. Semper Fi Doc.
May 10, 2015

Semper  Fi, Doc.
Thank you for your devotion to our Country and to your Marines.
Jun 27, 2014

♥ Jackie  Taylor
I Will, Remember You

Honoring Your Memory, Today, On Your Birthday. You honored us, by your service and sacrifice. We now honor You, each time, we stand and sing the words, THE LAND, OF THE FREE AND THE HOME, OF THE BRAVE. Thank you, for your bravery, courage and dedication, to our Country and freedom. Rest In Peace and Honor.
Apr 15, 2009

William Taylor
A Fellow Veteran
It is the soldier, not the reporter,
Who has given us freedom of the press.
It is the soldier, not the poet,
Who has given us the freedom of speech.
It is the soldier, not the campus organizer,
Who has given us the freedom to demonstrate.
It is the soldier, not the lawyer,
Who has given us the right to a fair trial.
It is the soldier, Who salutes the flag,
Who serves under the flag, And whose coffin is draped in the flag,
Who allows the protester to burn the flag.
©Copyright by Charles M. Province.
Throughout our history America has been built, on the blood of Heros, and Brave Men of Honor like this Solider. Thank you for your service, bravery, and for the ultimate sacrifice you have made. Thank you for my freedom. Rest well in Gods loving embrace brave solider. You Sir are a true American Hero who is remembered by a grateful Veteran, and a FREE Nation.
Jun 27, 2007

Manuel Pino 2/8 Bco 1st Cav-68-69
Fellow Medic
To our Fallen Corpsman in arms, may the seas be calm and the winds be fair.
Sunday, July 09, 2006

CWO3, Matt Johnson, USN. (Ret.)
Another, Viet Nam Vet.
"Heroes are, not Forgotten"
"Poor is the Nation, that has no Heroes,,, Shameful, is the one, that having them,,, Forgets." We never met,,, We answered, the call,,, We did, our duty,,, Some gave their all, for a thankless, Country. Gone, from this Earth,,, But not forgotten. Rest in Peace,,, Hero.
Friday, June 27, 2003

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