Lillie  Kirkpatrick-Volckmann Wife of SSG Victormeade Kirkpatrick Honor and Respect for MAJ Richard Ator Major Richard Ator died while saving the life of SSG Victormeade Kirkpatrick Jr. They were talking and MAJ Ator saw a sniper and said 'Watch our Kirk' and pushed my husband back placing himself in the direct line of fire. My family pays honor and respect to the family of such a great man. Jan 5, 2010
Manuel Pino  B/2/8th Cav,1st Cav 68-69 mpjr54@msn. com Fellow Army Vietnam Brother MACV Advisors/HQ/Adv Team 26 NOW SLEEP Peace has come. Now you can truly sleep,my son. The muddy field where you were laid Flag-draped, will now be green. Redbud and cherry blossoms can be seen Soon in bloom above your head. Arlington's Eternal Flame Flickers across granite rows To illuminate your name And then beneath it (with lightning's calm) Strikes in black the word VIETNAM On your own stone. Peace has come. Your medals may turn green In time, like your beret But forever there are those who'll say, 'I live because he cared he came!'
Jul 25, 2008
Jim Helmick fellow vet. Seattle, Wa., 98146, USA For you, your family & friends. we didn't, forget about you. Rev: 21, 4&5 Mar 10, 2007
manny g Fellow Veteran 69-70 An Khe Union Gap, WA. 98903 “You are Remembered” Peace and condolence, to the family and friends. “He which hath no stomach, to this fight, let him depart. But we in it, shall be remembered. We few, we happy few, we band of brothers!! For he today, that sheds his blood with me, shall always be my brother.” Rest in peace brave soldier, you have not been forgotten. (W.Shakespeare) May God Bless you, for your Sacrifice!!! Mar 5, 2007
Garnet Jenkins Grand Junction, Co. In Remembrance Remembering, this Young Soldier, on the anniversary, of the day, he Gave his Life, for our country, with a Multitude, of Thanks, for his Courage, Service and Dedication, to our Country and for Freedom. Rest well and know, that you will, NEVER BE FORGOTTEN. I'am the sister, of such a young hero, who made the Supreme Sacrifice, in Vietnam, 1967.... "The soldier, above all others, is required to perform, the highest act, of religious teaching--SACRIFICE." General Douglas MacArthur Mar 5, 2007
David Hegberg DeKalb, IL., 60115, United States An alert soldier and leader Richard (Buck) Ator, was, a very good, commander, in the field. I was, a medic, with the 1/22nd, Infantry, Co., B, while Buck Ator, was, in charge. He never liked, taking, the well used, trails. Lots, of times, we would cut, our way through the jungle, instead, of using the trails. He would always, take, the high terrain and not have us, get caught, in a bad situation in the field. He kept us, allert and while, our sister companies, would, get torn up from time to time, B, Company, would go, unscathed. We eventually, was named, "Escape and Evation, Company B." Monday, March 21, 2005
Bruce Arneklev classmate 3306 N. Shirley Tacoma, WA 98407 USA Early Years Richard "buck" was a beautiful person from an early age. He and I were the only males in our third grade class in Antelope, Montana. After the third grade, he moved with his beautiful sisters and parents to Moses Lake, Washington, where his dad "beef" operated heavy construction machinery for the establishment of Larson, AFB. I didn't see him again until 1959, when he came back to visit his grandmother Pederson, after we had graduated from college. He remained a handsome athletic young man with a sterling reputation. Saturday, May 28, 2005
Kimberly Kimmel-Ober admirer Encinitas, California, United States, of America For MAJ/04, Richard Ator and all those, who knew him and loved him, I just want to say thank you, for your dedication and sacrifice! Please know, that you have, not been forgotten and always will hold a special place, in my heart! It would have been nice, to have known you, as a person and I greatly, appreciate your service! I just wish, you did not have to pay, so, high a price! You forever will, be a hero, in my eyes! Tuesday, March 19, 2002
Angela Kraft Although at the time of his death Richard Dennis "Buck" Ator was a MACV, he was a member of B Company, 1st Battalion, 22nd Infantry, 4th Infantry Division. For more information about the battles that took place during his time of service, to view his name among the other KIA's, or to view his memorial page, please visit You may also visit and for more information and message boards. Saturday, January 11, 2003
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