Jim and Tom Reece reecejim@yahoo.com Fellow Tar Heel Veteran Salute to a Fallen Tar Heel Veteran Find a grave website You answered the call of Your Country and gave the Ultimate sacrifice. For this we salute you. Jul 9, 2010
Tom Presley tr173@msn.com Platoon Sgt. SC. A little man, with a big smile Wilson, may your soul, rest in peace, with realization, that you gave all, there was, to give. You were one, fine paratrooper. Fuller, Lewis, Edwards and guys, from the 503, followed you, on your journey. Dec 28, 2008
manny g Fellow Veteran 69-70 An Khe Union Gap, WA. 98903 “You are Remembered” Peace and condolence, to the family and friends. “He which hath no stomach, to this fight, let him depart. But we in it, shall be remembered. We few, we happy few, we band of brothers!! For he today, that sheds his blood with me, shall always be my brother.” Rest in peace brave soldier, you have not been forgotten. (W.Shakespeare) May God Bless you, for your Sacrifice!!! May 17, 2007
Jennifer Burns sky_lava@yahoo.com Though, you are gone, you will, never be forgotten! You and men like you, are the reason, we are free, today! I just wanted, to say THANK YOU, for the sacrifices, that you made! I hold you and those like you, in the highest regard and you deserve, nothing less! I love you, all, you were and always, will be HEROES, to me! I promise never, to take for granted, the freedoms I have, which you paid, the ultimate price, for! Happy Birthday! I, WILL REMEMBER YOU!!! Gratefully yours, Jenn. Apr 30, 2007
Wade Lucas wlucas@nc.rr.com I didn't know, this Hero, but I just wanted, to say "Thanks." You, are not forgotten. I hope, that your family, has been blessed, in light of your early calling, from God. God Bless you, Wilson. Rest in Peace. Wednesday, August 10, 2005
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