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LArry  MUse
1914 Mayfield Road Houston TX 77043 USA
We Have Not Forgotten My Friend!
Johnny, I remember you today and know very well your brothers and other family members do as well! Thanks for being there when our Country called! RIP buddy! Semper Fi as we OLD MARINE FARTS SAY!
Nov 26, 2015

Greg  Mitchell
My dad's Army buddy
1765 Weatherby Dr Hernando MS 38632 USA
My father thought so much of you that he named me after you
I was thinking a lot about my dad this 4th of July. His name is William Linn Mitchell but everyone knows him as Linn Mitchell. Please don't worry he is still alive and doing well. I was thinking about his service to his country. He was the son of a widow and one of seven brothers at the time of his enlistment. He decided to join the Army so he could choose what he wanted to do. He wanted to be a pilot but his eyes were to bad so he became a UH-1H mechanic crew chief. He became good friends with a young Medic by the name of Johnny Glenn Gregg. You see on the day that Medic Gregg was KIA, my dad was supposed to be flying with him. In a twist of fate my dad didn't fly out that day. My dad doesn't talk a lot about Vietnam but Johnny Gregg must have made an impression on him. My dad gave me Jonny Gregg's last name my first name. I know from this page that you didn't have any sons Spec Gregg but I am extremely proud that I carry with me a piece of your name. Highest regards, Spec4 Greg Mitchell
Jul 6, 2014

LArry  MUse
Houston Friend
10914 Mayfield Road Houston TX 77043 USA
Dedication Of Vietnam Memorial on Saturday March 29, 2014 in Austin, Texas

AUSTIN (KXAN) — It’s been a long time coming, but on the grounds of the state Capitol Saturday, the Texas Capitol Vietnam Veterans Monument is now in place. About 500,000 Texans served in Vietnam, and 3,417 died there. Just more than 100 Texas remain missing in action today. The number of Texas casualties in that war are only exceeded by California. The dedication comes 41 years to the day that the last American combat troops left Vietnam and nine years after the effort to bring such a memorial to Texas began. Gov. Rick Perry accepted the monument on behalf of the state at the public ceremony. A tribute was made to the 3,417 Texans who died or are unaccounted for. Several thousand veterans and their families were expected at the ceremony. In addition to Gov. Perry, speakers include U.S. Congressman Sam Johnson of Dallas, Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst and State Senator Juan Hinojosa. Lieutenant General Mick Kicklighter, Director of the United States 50th Commemoration of the Vietnam War will also be in attendance. JOHNNY, YOUR DAUGHTER, YOUR SIBLING'S, YOUR OTHER FAMILY MEMBERS, YOUR FRIENDS BILLY HOWARD AND LORENZO SULLIVAN WERE THERE TO HONOR YOU...IF I HAD KNOWN, I WOULD HAVE BEEN THERE TOO! HAND SALUTE HERO!
Mar 31, 2014

LArry  MUse
10914 Mayfield Road Houston TX 77043 USA
Remembering You Today
Johnny, just want to say that you are being remember today, the day you met your fate! Rest in Peace Hero!
Nov 26, 2012

LArry  MUse
Friend and Fellow Veteran
10914 Mayfield Road Houston TX 77043 USA
I Remember You and Will As Long As I Live
Vietnam O Vietnam Trees in the old days used to stand And shape a shady lane Where lovers wandered hand in hand Who came from Carentan. This was the shining green canal Where we came two by two Walking at combat-interval. Such trees we never knew. The day was early June, the ground Was soft and bright with dew. Far away the guns did sound, But here the sky was blue. The sky was blue, but there a smoke Hung still above the sea Where the ships together spoke To towns we could not see. Could you have seen us through a glass You would have said a walk Of farmers out to turn the grass, Each with his own hay-fork. The watchers in their leopard suits Waited till it was time, And aimed between the belt and boot And let the barrel climb. I must lie down at once, there is A hammer at my knee. And call it death or cowardice, Don't count again on me. Everything's all right, Mother, Everyone gets the same At one time or another. It's all in the game. I never strolled, nor ever shall, Down such a leafy lane. I never drank in a canal, Nor ever shall again. There is a whistling in the leaves And it is not the wind, The twigs are falling from the knives That cut men to the ground. Tell me, Master-Sergeant, The way to turn and shoot. But the Sergeant's silent That taught me how to do it. O Captain, show us quickly Our place upon the map. But the Captain's sickly And taking a long nap. Lieutenant, what's my duty, My place in the platoon? He too's a sleeping beauty, Charmed by that strange tune. Vietnam O Vietnam Before we met with you We never yet had lost a man Or known what death could do. Louis Simpson titled Carentan O Carentan
Nov 26, 2011

LArry  MUse
Houston Buddy
10914 Mayfield Road Houston TX 77043 USA
Remembering you today
Johnny on your birthday I celebrate our friendship! RIP HERO!!!
Sep 28, 2011

LArry  MUse
Friend and fellow Veteran
10914 Mayfield Road Houston TX 77043 USA
Remembered on this Memorial Day
Johnny, thinking about you on the day we celebrate you hero's! Rather have you here drinking a beer but not to be. I was corrected by your friend Lorenzo, he was in your unit, that your rescues were not associated with the 'dustoff team' but a Medical extraction of it's own! What ever the situation, it's still the same as you are an AMERICAN HERO! Rip Johnny!
May 30, 2011

Karen  Hubbell Massey
Always Think of You at this time.....
Johnny, I remember you always at these important times of honor to our Veterans, as well as often as I remember our school years. You effected my life more than you know in your short time on the planet. I have visited your gravesite several times over the years, & think of the boy I knew, & the man you had become. My most important memory of you was our speaking on a friends balcony at their Labor Day Celebration in Sept., 1968, & us discussing becoming 21! I had that event only a few days before, & you were just three weeks away from yours. I am now 63, & still remember that conversation with you & our anticipation of finally being grown, & life to come..... that went on for me here, motherhood, grandchildren, work, life in it's full expression. Of course I believe life is never ending, & you have gone on, joining your Dad so quickly, but it is important everyone to know we connected & mattered while here. You did my friend!! Bless you.
May 29, 2011

LArry  MUse
10914 Mayfield Road Houston TX 77043 USA
42 year ago you gave your all for us
Johnny went by your gravesite yesterday, Thanksgiving day, and thanked you for being our hero! L. Lorenzo Sullivan sends his love and as I, he misses you still! RIP friend and HERO!
Nov 26, 2010

L. Lorenzo  Sullivan
Blood Brother
7262 E. Black Rock Road Scottsdale AZ 85255 USA
My Greatest Loss of the War
I'm now 63 years old. The second of my two tours in Vietnam ended in Dec. 1968. I've been to The Wall many, many times and I've been to Johnny's grave site. The only graveside visit I've made of any of my fallen comrades. I can not, will not, ever, ever forget my friend. I honor and praise the man he was in life and I cherish the love I hold for him in death. The bravest person I've ever met.
Apr 20, 2010

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