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Semper  Fi, Doc.
Semper Fi, Doc. Thank you for your devotion to our Country and to your Marines.
Sep 10, 2013

Paul  Wortman
Worked with Eric in E.R. At NNMC
2244 Rockspring Apt 2 Toledo OH 43614 USA
My Constant Companion after all this time
Eric, I still miss you as though we just lost you. Your death deminished this world by more than just one. It, the world, is in desperate need of your infectious laughter and wit. It was set back by the loss of your intellect. I pray I have lived a life to honor us both.
Apr 20, 2010

Erin  Johnson
My parents both knew and served with Eric, naming my older brother in his memory. He must have been an amazing young man - God must have really needed another angel.
Oct 30, 2009

Garnet  Jenkins
Grand Junction Co
~ In Humble Gratitude, For Your Sacrifice ~

It is an Honor to pay tribute to HN Eric Rudolph Radtke, with a Multitude of Thanks for his Courage, Service and Dedication to our Country and for Freedom. Rest well and know that you will NEVER BE FORGOTTEN. I am the sister of such a young hero, who made the Supreme Sacrifice in Vietnam 1967.....'OUR DEBT TO THE HEROIC MEN AND VALIANT WOMEN IN THE SERVICE OF OUR COUNTRY, CAN NEVER BE REPAID, THEY HAVE EARNED OUR UNDYING GRATITUDE. AMERICA WILL NEVER FORGET THEIR SACRIFICES' ~ President Harry S. Truman ~
Nov 12, 2008

Manuel Pino Bco 2/8th 1st Cav 68-69
Fellow Medic
To our Fallen Corpsman in arms, may the seas be calm and the winds be fair.
Oct 18, 2006

Ray Harton
Honoring a Brave Corpsman today
The Reverend Vincent Robert Capodanno Foundation Inc
"We few, we happy few, we band of brothers, for he today that sheds his blood with me, shall always be my brother". (William Shakespeare)" Rest in Peace". You have not been forgotten. Semper-Fi Marine. Cpl.Harton USMC Ret. Vietnam 1967 5th Marines.
Sunday, September 10, 2000

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