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Garnet  Jenkins
Grand Junction Co
~ In Humble Gratitude, For Your Sacrifice ~

Thank You, Pfc Richard Alan Randolph, for your Courage, Service and Dedication to our Country and for Freedom. Rest well and know that you will NEVER BE FORGOTTEN. I am the sister of such a young hero, who also made the Supreme Sacrifice in Vietnam 1967.....THE SOLDIER ABOVE ALL OTHERS, PRAYS FOR PEACE, FOR IT IS THE SOLDIER WHO MUST SUFFER AND BEAR THE DEEPEST WOUNDS AND SCARS OF WAR' ~ General Douglas MacArthur
Dec 29, 2008

Manuel Pino  B/2/8th Cav, 1st Cav Div

1st Inf Div/196th Inf Bde/2/1st Inf Rgt
May 17, 2008

Linda S  Santucci
amp_yearbooks_and_photos [at]
Tucson AZ 85739 USA
In Loving Memory of Rich, ACHS Class of '66

Rich, we love you and are very, highly proud of you for your devotion to service in the freedom mission of Vietnam.

Rich has been honored with a personal memorial Vietnam tribute on the Flickr photo site for Amador County High School, Sutter Creek, California, where he graduated in the Class of 1966. The Vietnam era and all that went with it was not popular due to media coverage and sheer politics from armchair generals in Washington D.C. However, today in 2008 after all these years, there is a growing understanding that the highest American principles leading us into Vietnam, where so many gave their lives and others sacrificed so much, also, today people are recognizing that Vietnam continues to be most relevant in a world still with tyranny and persecution of the worst kind. That freedom mission in Vietnam included not only South Vietnam citizens of the time, but a greater purpose globally where communism continued to be a threat. Today there is another worse kind of threat to global freedom for which the free nations of the world must meet an even greater, more pervasive challenge, and the principles continue to be the same, undying, universal American principles for all peoples.

This is what Rich, and our schoolmate Freddie Williams, ACHS Class of 1961, and older schoolmate, Cliff Spiva, ACHS Class of 1958, and others who served in Vietnam all stood for, and those who know Rich, Freddie, and Cliff, or knew of them in Amador County, California, continue to be very, very proud of each of them, saddened by our loss,they are deeply missed by many people from the county even still.

You may read their Vietnam memorial tributes at the Amador Meeting Place, under their class photo sections. They did their job to the utmost, and today it is time for all Americans to step up in many different ways, including but not limited to military service and do what is necessary at home and abroad to prevail over today's global War on Terror.
Apr 22, 2008

manny   g
Fellow Veteran 69-70 An Khe
Union Gap, WA. 98903
“You are Remembered”
Peace and condolence, to the family and friends. "He which hath no stomach to this fight let him depart. But we in it shall be remembered. We few, we happy few, we band of brothers!! For he today, that sheds his blood with me, shall always be my brother”. Rest in peace brave soldier, you have not been forgotten. (W.Shakespeare) May God Bless You for your Sacrifice!!!

Feb 29, 2008

Manuel Pino Jr.
Fellow Vietnam Vet
REFLECTIONS FROM THE MOVING WALL". I am a monument to a black period in this countries history.I am the Vietnam wall.,composed to two angled granite walls,inscribed with the names of fifty eight thousand,one hundred thirty four American men and women who died in hell (that was Vietnam) Many people come to see me. strangely they come mostly in silence-old people,young people,children,mothers,fathers,widows,and veterans.all for reasons of their own.they bring gifts,pictures,letters,flowers,poems and cigarettes.the letters speak of grief and loneliness and regret.they ask forgiveness.they are an out pouring of pain.the people softly touch names on my face.they water my grass with tears.then they leave in silence and I hope in peace.for I am more than two stone walls.I am a thank you from a nation that forgot.I am a long past due apology.I am healing for wounds too long left untended.I am a tribute paid to fallen warriors.I AM THE VIETNAM WALL. "America has forgotten the wars.will she remember her warriors"? you may be gone , BUT YOU ARE NOT FORGOTTEN.
Sunday, September 26, 2004

Grateful American
American Hero
Thank you PFC Randolph for your service to country and ultimate sacrifice. Rest well brave soldier and rest assured that you Sir, are not forgotten.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006

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