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Michael  Fletcher
friend of Cpt Shank's Daughter
We are all proud of you for your ultimate sacrifice
Your Daughter joined the Air Force in the 1970's and carried on the proud tradition you began. Although you did not know her long, You would be Proud...From one Veteran to Another, a Salute.....
Jul 2, 2013

william  pierce
capt. shank's 1st cousin peggy's son
1112 n college av # 208 indpls in 46202
will be in D.C. tommorrow and making my first visit to your memorial. will add more after my return.
Jan 18, 2013

Garnet  Jenkins
Grand Junction Co
~ In Humble Tribute ~

In Tribute to Capt Edwin Gerald Shank and with Profound Gratitude for his Courage, Service and Dedication to our Country and for Freedom. Rest in Peace and know that you will NEVER BE FORGOTTEN. I am the sister of Sgt David Dickinson, who also made the Supreme Sacrifice in Vietnam 1967.....'TO LIVE IN THE HEARTS OF THOSE YOU LEAVE BEHIND, IS NEVER TO DIE' ~Robert Orr~
Mar 24, 2009

Jackie  Taylor

May your spirit always live on in the hearts of those you loved and those who grew to love you for your bravery, courage and dedication. A salute to you, Sir, and all the Vets gone but not forgotten.
Mar 24, 2009

Cynthia  Allen
My father served with Capt. Shank
PO BOX 15304 Asheville NC 28813 USA
Thank you
My father served with Capt. Shank in Vietnam and my husband and I visited the Memorial in Washington, DC on 9-16-08. I just wanted to see Capt. Shank's name and to honor him for serving our country. I was lucky to have my dad return home............I wish his family well.
Sep 17, 2008

Malcolm   Kirby
USAF Veteran-191st photo recon.
Rest in Peace, my Brother
You will not be forgotten...
Mar 24, 2008

Maria  Malinski
59 Comly Road Lincoln Park NJ 07035 USA
Saw your picture
In Reminisce magazine February/March 2008 issue, your wife, Connie wrote a letter and picluded a icture of the two of your as newlyweds. I was moved by her comments to look your name up on the Wall....this was my generations War and too many of my friends names are there as well as yours. I just wanted your family and friends to know, even know...we rememember..even if we did not know you.
Feb 10, 2008

John Schantz
Flying School classmate-Class 61C
Ed was a member of Flying class 61C. He eventually was trained as a multi-engine pilot I think flying C-124s, a multi-engine cargo plane which he flew for a numner of years. As the war in Viet Nam progressed the Air Force looked for conventional aircraft pilots to carry the fight in the air to ground battle and began training pilots to "advise" Vietnamese pilots. After being trained in air to ground tactics Ed was sent to the fight. On March 24,1964 he was shot down and killed in Laos.Subsecuently his widow wrote a letter to Life Magazine that her husband had been killed in combat in Viet Nam. The existance of American pilots being in combat in Viet Nam was denied by the US Government and it became a major issue in the 1964 Presidential election
Sep 7, 2007

Bill Gallenstein
USAF Veteran
Zephyrhills FL 33541 USA
A very proud cold war USAF veteran remembers you on this day. My God bless you and your family always. I salute you, Thank you
Jun 13, 2007

Dennis Lewis
Air Commando and T-28D Crew Chief
Captain Shank was a member of the 1st Air Commando Sq. flying T-28D's out of Bien Hoa and Soc Trang air bases RVN. His aircraft, serial number 53-8362, lost a wing during a bombing mission near Soc Trang on 24 March 1964 and crashed. Captain Shank and his VNAF backseater were KIA. He is remembered.
Oct 18, 2006

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