Connie  Hockersmith Close personal friend 5319 N. Sawyer Chicago IL 60625 USA You Are Not Forgotten!! Tom, once again as I come to another Memorial Day, I pause and think of you in a very personal way we were great buddies, you and I. Yes, you were three yrs older than I, but that didn't take away how I admired you for your stand for our Lord, and for your honor to our great country. As a 17yr old, I don't remember allowing myself to grieve your loss in 1970 instead, my real grieving process came about eight years ago, when my own son turned 20, your age at the time you were taken from us. It then hit me as a Mom with a 20yr old, I was overcome with the tremendous grief that this had to have caused your own Mom and family. We know that we'll see you again someday in Glory, and as for now, your picture sits on my buffet as a reminder of who you were, and what you have always meant to me. I still have the last birthday card you sent to me prior to your death, and enjoy periodically taking it out and reminding myself of the fun times we had, and of the ultimate sacrifice you gave for our country. You are forever loved and not forgotten! May 25, 2009
Garnet  Jenkins Grand Junction Co ~ You Are Not Forgotten, Young Soldier ~
In Remembrance of Sgt Thomas Paul Smith, With a Multitude of Thanks for his Courage, Service and Dedication to our Country and for Freedom. Rest well and know that you will NEVER BE FORGOTTEN. I am the sister of such a young hero, who also made the Supreme Sacrifice in Vietnam in 1967.....'THOSE WHO HAVE LONG ENJOYED SUCH PRIVILEGES AS WE ENJOY, FORGET IN TIME, THAT MEN HAVE DIED TO WIN THEM.' Franklin D. Roosevelt Feb 23, 2009
Malcolm  Kirby USAF Veteran - 191st photo recon. Vietnam Veterans of America - Chapter 785 Rest in Peace, my Brother You will not be forgotten... Aug 20, 2008
manny  g Fellow Veteran 69-70 An Khe Union Gap, WA. 98903 “You are Remembered” Peace and condolence, to the family and friends. "He which hath no stomach to this fight let him depart. But we in it shall be remembered. We few, we happy few, we band of brothers!! For he today, that sheds his blood with me, shall always be my brother”. Rest in peace brave soldier, you have not been forgotten. (W.Shakespeare) May God Bless You for your Sacrifice!!!
Feb 23, 2008
Ming tran no relationship Thankyou for you help and for righting for us and giving us in peace Thomas Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Dempsey Slone Friend 3995 Lyons Road Caledonia,Ohio 43314 United States Thank you I was thinking about you today buddy. I wish you could have come home with me. Sunday, October 31, 1999
Carla (Joy) Thill CSThill@WebTV.Net Church & Old Neighborhood Friend Dear Tom, We'll never forget when you babysat us four "Joy Siblings" that day long ago at our house on Avery Street. You were like a "big brother" and what fun we had having a "Pillow Fight" in the "Front Room" with YOU! Thanks for the good memory! We can remember the day when we all heard the sad news at Church.and sat around in the Fireside Room praying and reminiscing about you.with your picture sitting on the Mantel. You served and died for our Country with Bravery and Honor. You are not forgotten. And we thank you. See you someday "at Home in Heaven"! ~ With JOY ~ Carla, Barb, Bob & Scott Saturday, May 04, 2002
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