John  Plumhoff Fellow Vietnam Vet MD Lest We Forget Major Joseph Bower's name was read this evening at the Vietnam Memorial in Washington DC in remembrance of his and his family's sacrifice Nov 7, 2012 |
Denise  Berger Wearing braclet Brewster MA 02660 USA I have been wearing Col Joseph Bower's bracklet since 1972. The only time I have taken if off was for operations but as soon as I could I placed it back on my wrist. I truly believe that they will some day find his remains which will put his family to ease. This was started to support the troops and today the troops still need our support. Sep 12, 2011 |
Karen  Ward I wore his POW bracelet in the 1970 Reading MA 01867 US Colonel Joseph Bower POW Bracelet I have a POW/MIA bracelet I have had since the 1970's with Colonel Joseph Bower engraved on it. During the war, I wore this proudly. I learned later that he had been killed in action when his plane was shot down over the ocean. I have always kept this in his honor.
I recently found this website and discovered that it is customary to return the bracelet to the serviceman's family. Does anyone know how to reach them? I realize it has been a long time but I would like to find out if his family would like to have this bracelet. If anyone can put me in contact, I would appreciate it. You can email me at and put Colonel Joseph Bower in the subject line.
I would like to extend my thanks and blessings to all veterans. You will always be in my heart.
Jun 12, 2010 |
Malcolm  Kirby USAF Veteran - 191st photo recon. Rest in Peace, my Brother You will not be forgotten... Aug 3, 2008 |
manny g Fellow Veteran 69-70 An Khe Union Gap, WA. 98903 “You are Remembered” Peace and condolence, to the family and friends. “He which hath no stomach, to this fight, let him depart. But we in it, shall be remembered. We few, we happy few, we band of brothers!! For he today, that sheds his blood with me, shall always be my brother.” Rest in peace brave soldier, you have not been forgotten. (W.Shakespeare) May God Bless you, for your Sacrifice!!! Aug 3, 2007 |
Bill Gallenstein USAF Veteran Zephyrhills FL 33541 USA A very proud cold war USAF veteran remembers you on this day. My God bless you and your family always. I salute you, Thank you Jun 20, 2007 |
Carl Burgess Fellow, Air Force, Vietnam Vet. Sir, Thank You, For Your Service. You, are not forgotten. May, God Bless You. August 3 2006. |
Nicole Luvero Mr. Anderson's History Student 2000, Sam Houston Dr., Arlington, TX., 76014, USA My adopted MIA. MAJ., 004, Joseph Edward Bower, My name is Nicole Luvero. I'm a 20001, junior, at Sam Houston, High School, in Arlington, TX.. As part of a class assignment, on Vietnam's MIA's., I learned, your story and shared it, with my classmates. I learned, of your sacrifice and will remember you. It really touched me, one of my closest friends, wants, to go, into the airforce and I pray, nothing happens to him, at all. I want, to send my condolences out, to you, your family and friends. I may be reached, at: Tuesday, May 02, 2000 |
Howard Plunkett Maj., Joseph Bower was the pilot, of an F-105D, hit, by gunfire, on 3, August 1965, while attacking barges in RP-3, North Vietnam. He belonged, to the 421, TFS., based, at Korat, RTAB., Thailand. Friday, December 24, 1999 |
Donald Paul My basic USAF., flight instructor 11955, St., Rte., 47, EAST, West Mansfield, Oh., 43358-9540, USA Now I know where all, the really great, heros go. Maj., Bower was, an outstanding pilot. graduatiing, from the Naval, Academy and took, an Air Force, Commission. He completed flt. training and I met his, as my instructor, in the 3505th, Pilot, Trng., Wing, at Greenville, Miss.. His guidance and instruction did see me, through a clean flying tour, not only as a Pilot, in Cadet, Class 55-E, but later following his footsteps, as a flight instructor myself, at Greenville, AFNB.. We knew each other, in Greenville and remember, his wife and beautiful, baby girl. Keep your wing, level and God will guide you, the rest, of the way Friday, October 20, 2000 |