linda  pahl sister 31 wason rd hudson nh 03051 usa 43rd anniv.. Hey bro, your 43rd just passed.. Sorry I am late.. I was in the air returning from the 1/50th reunion at Ft Benning, so a tad busy... I got the chance to meet 2 fellow soldiers, from your time in Nam... I hope we can all meet again.. Also had a visit here at home from Frenchy....Nice guy....Tell Ma happy mothers day for us.... Love always, Linda May 12, 2013 |
Linda  aaron pahl sister 31 Wason Rd Hudson NH 03051 USA Rolling Thunder 2012 Well, Chas, Rodney and I rode his Harley to DC again this yr. We had members of our riding club with us as we visited the Wall and other stops. The candle light vigil was so moving. This yr really was special.. Now to get the POW's and MIA's all back home !!! If you can, please watch over some of these fellow veterans... They need all the strength we can muster.. Love, as always, your little sister, (Soot), Linda...... May 30, 2012 |
Linda  pahl sister 31 Wason Rd Hudson new hampshire 03051 United States 42 Anniversary Dearest Bro, 42 years ???? Where has all that time gone ? It still feels like yesterday when we heard the news.. I have been to Washington 2 times, visiting the Wall.. Rodney and I will do Thunder Ride again this year... Thinking of you and ALL the others who gave all for us... Being in the service too, we know all to well, why !!... So, my dear friend and brother.. I say Thankyou for a live way too short, to help the USA stay Free...XOXO Linda May 5, 2012 |
linda pahl sister 31, wason rd., HUDSON, NH., 03051, USA Christmas I will have my 60th, Birthday, next week. I still, cannot get a hold on, all the years, that have passed since you, left us. Christmas this yr., will be, the 40th, without you. I'am sure, you will be, with the rest, of our family, watching over us. I know your strong arms, are always, around me. You were and will, always be, my big brother. The one I looked up, to and all who knew you, loved you. As I run, into old aquaintaces, they always speak, well, of you. Not one ever, has said a bad thing, how could they.. We will, be thinking, of you, like every day... Love and miss ya.. Soot, ps., tell everyone, we say hi.. Nov 5, 2010 |
linda AARON sister 31, wason rd., HUDSON, NH., 03051, USA My Special Hero 40, yrs., this May 5th.. I still remember the minute, the Officers came, knocking, at our door. Mom an Dad getting ready, for work, me having breakfast, before I was, off too. Joe, on his way, to school. Everyone at the bus stop, knew before, we did. They knew, who lived down the street, that the Army, car drove. If only, they had kept, going, but that was, not to be. Our lives were, never the same, after that day. I think, that was, the day when Mom's heart, started, to die. A little, each day. Now she and Dad are with you, waiting for those still here, on Earth. My brother, my friend I have missed, you each an every day, since you left for Nam, not to return, home, to use, as you left. Till we all are together, with our Heavenly, Father, I Love You..... your sis, Linda Apr 14, 2010 |
William  Emmet none New Haven CT 06511 USA I didn't know Charles Aaron. His brother Joe and I were classmates at North Middle School in Westford between 1970 and 1972. Joe: I'm grateful to your brother for his sacrifice. My uncle was a marine in Vietnam c. 1969 to 1970 and survived. Apr 20, 2009 |
Sean Varano Indebted Admirer Kingston, MA., 02364, USA Hero Rest, in the arms, of God. Apr 1, 2008 |
brenda krolow in remembrance, of your birthday In remembrance, of your birthday. my brother, also died, in vietnam, at twenty one. so many years, you would have grown. my heart, goes out, to your family and friends, on this day, for the heartache, they will feel. after forty years, it doesnt, get any eaasier. we are eternally grateful, for your sacrifice. rest in peace, brave one. Dec 12, 2007 |
manny g Fellow Veteran 69-70 An Khe Union Gap, WA. 98903 You are Remembered Peace and condolence, to the family and friends. “GREATER LOVE, HATH NO MAN THAN THIS, THAT HE LAY DOWN HIS LIFE, FOR HIS FRIENDS” **John 15:13** “You are my friend, always remembered, never forgotten.” May God Bless you, for your Sacrifice!!! May 5, 2007 |
Kathleen Knowles I went, to school, with him 2954, Panther Hollow Drive, Bandera, Texas, 78003, USA I think, of you often, Charlie Today, is Veterans Day, 2006. I have thought, of you, every year. You were so young when you went, to Vietnam. We had just graduated, from Westford Academy. We never had, a chance, to say good bye, to each other. It seemed, to happen so were here and then we learned, that you went, to Vietnam and then, the very sad news...please know, that many of us, think of you, so often and are so grateful, for being so brave. You will always, be a hero, to us and the USofA. That's why, I wanted to write this, to you today. God Bless you, Charlie...sleep well, in the arms of God. Nov 10, 2006 |