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Garnet  Jenkins
Grand Junction Co
~ Your Service And Sacrifice Are Forever Remembered ~

In Remembrance of 2LT Dallas Eugene Thompson, With a Multitude of Thanks for his Courage and his years of Service and Dedication to our Country and for Freedom. Rest well and know that you will NEVER BE FORGOTTEN. I am the sister of such a young hero, who made the Supreme Sacrifice in Vietnam in 1967..... ~LOOK AGAIN, O HEART OF MINE, AND SEE WHAT PASSES BY!.....A CRYING OF REMEMBERED NAMES.....OF DEEDS THAT SHALL NOT DIE. ~Excerpt from 'Memorial Day' by Theodosia Pickering Garrison 1874~1944
Aug 9, 2008

Kenneth  Logue
Fellow Marine Security Guard
Castroville CA 95012 USA

Back row: Jim Wilson, Dallas Eugene Thompson, Bill Loseth, Len Perry, Jim Lyons, Robert Wigand and Otis Felder. (Photo courtesy of Otis Felder)

Marine Security Guard Detachment in Jakarta, Indonesia 1058. Otis Felder and Dallas spent January 1958 until March 1960 stationed together on Marine Security Guard Duty, attending school at Henderson Hall with assignments to Jakarta, Indonesia and Bangkok, Thailand.
Jun 25, 2008

otis  felder
US Embassy Djakarta & Bangkok Thai
25237 tradewinds drive land o lakes fl 34639 usa
Dallas, let it be knowned you have never been forgotten.I have named my second son after you. I have tried to locate your wife Diane, but unable to. I have payed my respects to your internment site, several times. Roscrant Cemerty.Rest well my brother,I will join you somewhere down the road. Semper Fi Marine,a pleasure to serve with you. Otis A Felder Gysgt. USMC Ret.
Mar 30, 2008

manny   g
Fellow Veteran 69-70 An Khe
Union Gap, WA. 98903
“You are Remembered”
Peace and condolence, to the family and friends. "He which hath no stomach to this fight let him depart. But we in it shall be remembered. We few, we happy few, we band of brothers!! For he today, that sheds his blood with me, shall always be my brother”. Rest in peace brave soldier, you have not been forgotten. (W.Shakespeare) May God Bless You for your Sacrifice!!!

Mar 7, 2008

James Beery
Series Officer at MCRD San Diego
London England
A Fine Marine Not Forgotten
I was Dallas's Series Officer at MCRD San Diego in 1966-67. He was a model DI but that description is not enough to convey his dimensions of sensitivity, humor and common sense. It was an honor to have served with him.
Apr 9, 2007

Lynn Terry
His platoon commander with Bravo Co. 3rd AT Bn. 1st Marine Brigade, Kaneohe Bay Hawaii 1963-64
218 15th Ave
San Francisco,Ca. 94118 USA
The best Marine in the company
Dallas Thompson was my right guide and the best Marine in the company. He was an example to all of us, officers and enlisted alike. There was never any doubt that he would become an officer and I know that he was a good one. I have thought of him often over the years and have always been thankful to him for the part he played in my own career. Many of the men I took into Vietnam in the spring of 1965 were trained as much by Sgt. Thompson as they were by me and my platoon sergeant.
Saturday, July 03, 1999

Charles Cameron, Major USMC-Rtd
Camp Hill,PA 17011 USA
Rest well Gene - I remember how proud you were when you received word of your commission at HQ - FMFLant, Norfolk, VA. I am proud to have known you. I was fortunate to have made it back from my tour and able to spend my life with my family. Your tour and life was cut short when you made the supreme sacrifice in a war some say we lost. We know better. The politicians might not have done their job - us Marines did ours. Hope God took care of your family and as he is now taking care of you. Semper Fi! Buddy, Chuck Cameron, Major, USMC-Rtd
Tuesday, May 25, 1999

Elliot Evianiak
Jehovah wittness
219 Marion Ave.
Baltimore, MD 21236 USA
Can you tell me.
Hi, My name is Elliot I am 10 years old and my grandmother was a Thomson and she is still alive. I would like to know how he is in relation with me. So if you have some time E-mail me back at Thanks! Elliot Evianiak
Friday, May 04, 2001

SSgt Maurice Trimmell
Bel Air, Ks 67220
My Friend
I'm so glad i found this link. I visited you in May 1996 while in Washington DC. I found your name on the wall of honor. You are the best Marine a Marine could have. Trimmell, Charlie Co, 3rd AT Bn, Oct 66 to Jan 68. One who made it back alive. Thanks for serving, Semper Fi Marine
Wednesday, November 02, 2005

You are not Forgotten

Drill Instructor, MCRD San Diego, Ca.
Monday, April 24, 2006

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