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Richard  Hampton
Served together, in Company B, 229th
2653, S., Wolfcreek Rd., Carbondale, IL. 92902, USA
Remembering 'Red,' with the Handlebar, Mustache
I enjoyed visiting, with you and discussing, my December, 1967, R. and R., to Hawaii. Then it was your turn, to have a Hawaii, R. and R. and time, with your wife. This is what I remember, most and of course, your red, Handlebar Mustache. You and David had, the biggest and best, in our company. I will always, remember, your sacrifice and have erected, my own personal, memorial, to you, Red, David and Rabbit Harrington. NEVER FORGOTTEN.
May 25, 2010

Manuel Pino  B/2/8th Cav,1st Cav 68-69
Fellow Cav Brother
B/229th AHB/11th Avn Grp, 1st Cav Div

Oh, I have slipped the surly bonds of earth and danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings, Sunward I've climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth of sun-split clouds and done a hundred things. You have not dreamed of wheeled and soared and swung, high in the sunlit silence, hov'ring there, I've chased the shouting wind along, and flung my eager craft through footless halls of air. Up, up the long delirious, burning blue I've topped the windswept heights with easy grace, where never lark, or even eagle flew, and, while with silent, lifting mind I've trod the high untrespassed sanctity of space, put out my hand and touched the face of God. By John G. Magee, Jr.
Aug 30, 2009

Garnet  Jenkins
Grand Junction, Co.
~ In Humble Tribute, To A Fallen, Colorado Hero ~

A special Remembrance, for a Young, Colorado Hero. I have learned of Larry's, Courage and Dedication, from one, who had served, with him. May, WO., Larry James Branaugh, Rest in Peace and know, that he will, NEVER BE FORGOTTEN. I'am the sister, of Sgt., David Dickinson, another young, Colorado Hero, who also made, the Supreme Sacrifice, in Vietnam~1967.... ~LOOK AGAIN, O HEART, OF MINE AND SEE, WHAT PASSES BY!.... A CRYING, OF REMEMBERED NAMES.... OF DEEDS, THAT SHALL, NOT DIE.~ Excerpt, from 'Memorial Day,' by Theodosia Pickering Garrison, 1874~1944.
May 6, 2009

Garnet Jenkins
Grand Junction, Co.
On the Anniversary, of your Sacrifice
In Remembrance, of this Young Soldier, with a Multitude, of Thanks, for his Courage, Service and Dedication, to our Country and for Freedom. Rest well and know, that you will, NEVER BE FORGOTTEN. I'am the sister, of such a young hero, who made the Supreme Sacrifice, in Vietnam~1967.... "FROM THESE HONORED DEAD, WE TAKE INCREASED DEVOTION, TO THAT CAUSE, FROM WHICH THEY GAVE, THE LAST FULL, MEASURE, OF DEVOTION, THAT WE HERE HIGHLY RESOLVE, THESE DEAD SHALL, NOT HAVE DIED, IN VAIN..." ~Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg Address~
Apr 20, 2007

Dave Raygor
Thornton, H.S.
581, Orchard Rd., Jasper, GA., 30143, usa
Yes, I remember you and your brother Don. I was in the class, of 66, Thornton, H.S.. Larry, I arrived in Quang Tri, Vietnam, in September 1968, to carry in your foot steps. You, are not forgotten and yes, you are remembered, along, with your brother, Don, for your sacrifice. Thank you, so much brother.. Sgt., Dave Raygor, 1/5, Inf., (Mech.) 1968-1970.
Nov 3, 2006

Garnet Jenkins
Just passing by
Grand Junction, Co., USA
Remembering you, on your Birthday
Remembering, this Young Soldier, on the anniversary, of his birth. You are a Hero, in this household and You will not, be forgotten. Revelations, 21:4
Monday, June 19, 2006

V.A., Employee, Anonymous
You, are not forgotten. We at the V.A., continue, to honor and serve your comrades.
Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Jon Chandler
Denver, CO., USA
Hey, Larry
Hey, Larry, I remember you, so well. I was eight, years younger, than you and my brother, Dave and the rest, of you goofballs. What a crew, you were. High school, football heros, inquisitive kids. I remember the shock, when we learned, you were gone. There's not a time, when the old Thornton Gang, gets together, when you're not, mentioned and remembered always, with a smile. Rest well, old friend.we all remember.
Thursday, August 26, 2004
Milan, ITALY
I never met you, Larry. But I close my eyes and say a short prayer for you, 35 years after the day you died. Hope I'm not the only one who remember your sacrifice.
Sunday, April 20, 2003

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