june fisher mother 'happy Birthday' going to forest lawn with Doug tomorrow. your birthday, we think of you often..love you oxox Nov 9, 2013 |
JUNE Fisher mother been 46 years now Den. your still never forgotten. Sep 4, 2013 |
June Fisher MOM BIrthday What can I say? Just thinking of you today
wishing you another 'Happy Birthday'
love you.... Mom
Nov 10, 2012 |
June Fisher mom 2012
Love You Den, another memorial day, got your picture at the club house for all to see what a good looking guy you are.wishing it was me the lord took instead. take care of your daddy I miss him too.. May 26, 2012 |
Mom Fisher MOTHER you are in my thoughts today...you'll never be forgotten..today, tomorrow, always... Sep 4, 2011 |
Mom fisher Memorial Day Proudly Posting your picture in the club house for this memorial Day..2011.. love ones that have service served.the display is just a reminder to all of us of the sacrifice our veteran's have made...
May 21, 2011 |
June fisher BLUEEYES1946@VERIZON.NET mother Sept., 4th, 1967, 43yr's., ago My son, gave his life for all, of us to have Liberty, Justice and freedom, a day, i'll, never forget and would have, given my life for you, Dennis. you gave, your heart to the lord, as a young, man and put, your trust and faith, in him. So often, I look back when you, would come home from Campeleton, for the weekend and bring a few buddys, along, with you and I would, play, the Marine, Corps Athem, on the organ, as you entered, the door. now you have, entered, in heaven's door. I have, all the letters you sent, also a poem, written, by a fellow, Marine, that you had, sent me. A.W. Jones, USMC., 'Don't Cry'.... Cpl., Greg Salisbury, USMC., a high school, buddy and neighbor, wrote one, also titled, 'Farewell Buddy,' thanks, to all who, served and are serving, this great country. God Bless. farther along, we will understand, why?? Sep 3, 2010 |
Dale Ann Fisher-Davidson daleannfisher@hotmail.com Sister 1302, W., Norwood Railto, CA., 92377, USA Forever Loving You There are, no words, to describe, the absence of my dear, brother, in our lifes. His spirit, lives on, within us. He was, my first, guardian angel! I'm, forever proud of his service, to our Country. We all owe our freedom, to our Veterans and to the current day, troops, whose bravery, loyalty, dedication and sacrifice, are greatly appreciated. Loving you always Big Brother, Denny and long for the day, when we, meet again, in Heaven! All my Love, always - Dale Ann Aug 6, 2010 |
Delores Fisher erikanddee@verizon.net Sister To my loving, brother, you will also be close, to our hearts! My dearest brother, I love you and thank you, for your sacrifice, for our country, your family and friends. Your name, goes on through our nephew now. Who, wears it well. As time, goes by we will always, remember you and miss you. Thanks to all those who, have posted on, my brothers board. It means, so much, to my family and I. He was the best big brother, anyone could have. Love you, so much Dennis!!! Jul 29, 2010 |