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Gerald  De Leon
Friend and fellow soldier
Remembering Terry Memorial Day May 27, 2013
Thank you Terry for the ultimate sacrifice for your country. My thoughts are with you today. How nice it would be if you were here and we could talk about the days so long ago. Gerald De Leon
May 27, 2013

Gerald  De Leon
We served together in the US Army
Remembering Terry Alexander on Memorial Day 2012

Today my thoughts are with you Terry for the life you gave in the service of our country so many years ago. My Memorial Day is always dedicated to you Terry, my friend and Army buddy. Time does not stop and the years continue to roll-on and as long as I have breath you will be honored on this day and not forgotten. As I remember you today I also honor all those who died for our country and my daily prayer is for the safe return home for all those in uniform now serving in 'Harm's Way'. Thank you for your service Terry - Gerald De Leon
May 28, 2012

Steve Anton
In Memory, in the Giving, of the Supreme Sacrifice. Rest in peace, brave warrior. You gave, your country, the ultimate sacrifice. You will, never be forgotten. Steve Anton, 1st, Infantry Division, 1/18th, Battalion, Bravo, Company, 11, Bravo, 1969-70.
Mar 25, 2010

logan  nash
thank you, so much for fighting, for our beautiful nation.
Mar 25, 2009

Jackie Taylor

'War drew us, from our homeland, in the sunlit springtime, of our youth. Those, who did not, come back alive, remain, in perpetual springtime. forever young and a part, of them is, with us always.' Happy Heavenly, Birthday.
Mar 25, 2009

Karen  VanMalsen
Cedar Springs MI USA
We honor the service and ultimate sacrifice that SP5 Terry Lee Alexander gave for his country. For his friends and family - I hope you have found peace.
Aug 25, 2008

manny g
Fellow Veteran 69-70 An Khe
Union Gap, WA. 98903
“You are Remembered”
Peace and condolence, to the family and friends. “He which hath no stomach, to this fight, let him depart. But we in it, shall be remembered. We few, we happy few, we band of brothers!! For he today, that sheds his blood with me, shall always be my brother.” Rest in peace brave soldier, you have not been forgotten. (W.Shakespeare) May God Bless you, for your Sacrifice!!!
Aug 25, 2007

Diane H.
Your friend wrote, a beautiful tribute, to you. Today, I write, to say, 'thank you and happy birthday,' brave, young man. Rest in peace. God bless you and those, you left behind.
Mar 25, 2007

Garnet Jenkins
Just passing by...
Grand Junction, Co.
Remembering, a Fallen, Hero
May, Terry Lee Alexander rest, in the Mighty Hands, of God and know, that he is, a True, American hero, that shall, NEVER BE FORGOTTEN. There will never, be enough ways, to humbly thank, these Heroes, for their Supreme Sacrifice, my brother among them. KIA-Vietnam, 1967.... “There is an inscription, on a Gate, at Arlington, National Cemetery, that reads, "Rest easy, sleep well, my brothers. Know the line, has held, your job is done. Rest easy, sleep well. Others, have taken up, where you fell, the line has held. Peace, peace, and farewell."
Aug 25, 2006

Jim Helmick
fellow vet.
Seattle, Wa., 98146, USA
For you, your family & friends. we didn't, forget about you. Rev: 21, 3&4
Friday, August 25, 2000

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