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Gerald De Leon
School friend and buddy
1945, C Barrymore Common, Fremont, CA., 94538, Alameda
Remembering Terry, Memorial Day, 1999
Today, is Memorial Day, 1999 and it has been, thirty-three, years, since I, lost my friend Terry Alexander, to the war, in South East Asia. My name, is Gerald De Leon and I knew Terry, the last nine, years, of his life. We grew up in the northend, of Seattle, Washington, living only, a few blocks from one another and attending, the same Olympic View, Elementary School. We remained friends, throughout, our high school years and it was, at some point then, that we decided to join, the Army together, on the Army's, buddy plan system. We joined the Army, in late April, of 1964, with all the enthusiasm, that a couple of seventeen, year kids, can muster and started, our basic training at Fort Ord, California, on May 4, 1964, with Headquarters & Headquarters, Company, 3rd, Battalion, 3rd, Brigade. We completed our basic training, on June 26, 1964 and then went on, to Fort Knox, Kentucky, where we took our advanced training, in tank warfare. After Fort Knox, we were assigned, to tank combat units, in Germany, to complete our military tours. I was stationed, in Augsburg, Germany and Terry, was stationed, close to Munich, Germany. The time, in the Army, went fast and we ,didn't see each, for quite a long time. When we finally, did see each other, it was at the U.S., Army, tank-training site, at Grafenwohr, Germany and almost, two, years, had gone by. I still, can remember, the moment, like it was, just yesterday. A buddy, in my unit came up to me and said, I had a visitor. I went outside, the tent and there stood Terry, we embraced and talked about, the good fortune, that our units were stationed, at Grafenwohr, at the same time. As we talked, Terry, told me, that he had, volunteered, for Vietnam and was, to leave soon. Neither, of us understood at that moment, that it would be, the last time, we would, ever see, one another again. A number, of months later, my mom wrote, to me and told me, that Terry was killed, in combat. Today, like every Memorial Day, I wonder what it, would be like, if he was, still here. In memory, of Terry Alexander, Gerald De Leon
Monday, May 31, 1999

Becky Abers
Thank you, so, so, so much, for risking your life, to save, your country. Everyone appreciates it, so much. I think, that it's so nice, that you felt, that you, should go and defend, your country, when you knew, that you, could die. You are, very brave and courageous, to do that. You are definetly, a hero, to me. Thank you, again!
Thursday, March 04, 2004

Kimberly Kimmel-Ober
Encinitas, California, United States, of America
For SP5/E-5, Terry Alexander and all those, who knew him and loved him, I just want to say thank you, for your dedication and sacrifice! Please know, that you have, not been forgotten and always will hold a special place, in my heart! It would have been nice, to have known you, as a person and I greatly, appreciate your service! I just wish, you did not have to pay, so, high a price! You forever will, be a hero, in my eyes!
Sunday, March 31, 2002

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