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manny g
Fellow Veteran 69-70 An Khe
Union Gap, WA. 98903
You are Remembered
Peace and condolence, to the family and friends. “GREATER LOVE, HATH NO MAN THAN THIS, THAT HE LAY DOWN HIS LIFE, FOR HIS FRIENDS” **John 15:13** “You are my friend, always remembered, never forgotten.” May God Bless you, for your Sacrifice!!!
May 30, 2007

robert hughes
a fellow serviceman
1001, e., catalina, santa ana, ca., 92706, usa
semper fi, buddy
may, God hold you, in His hands, May you, have eternal peace.
Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Grateful American
Newark, DE., USA
Rest in peace, brave soldier. You, are not forgotten.
Friday, May 27, 2005

Madison Umandap, Jr.
696- Nueve de Febrero St.
Mandaluyong City, 1550 Philippines
You Are a Hero
I do not know you personally, but you have fought the evils of Communism. You did not die in vain. I salute you in your grave.
Sunday, October 01, 2000

Linda Bassett
3136 W Alvina Ave
Greenfield, WI 53221 USA
Just Wanted to Say Thanks
Just a thank you. I care.
Friday, August 11, 2000

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