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Don  Bumgarner
Marine Buddy
Whittier, CA.
Hello JIM! Thinking about YOU. Heard your Mom, (Pat) joined you, in Heaven last May 8th, (2008) So you Both, are Together again. She sure, missed you, all those years, but I kept in contact, with her. Burkitt and I went, to see your Family, in Lawrence, Kansas, in April 1968. We visited, your Grave Site and also, saw John Hughes, again. WOW! That was, a long time, ago. Burkitt, Bacon and I were talking, about You, at the 3rd, Marine, Division Reunion, in San Antonio, Texas, in August! Continue, to Rest in Peace and Know, you will, NEVER be Forgotten. Semper Fidelis, My Brother! Your BUDDY, Don, B, C/1/3, 67-68.
Oct 24, 2009

manny g
Fellow Veteran 69-70 An Khe
Union Gap, WA. 98903
“You are Remembered”
Peace and condolence, to the family and friends. “He which hath no stomach, to this fight, let him depart. But we in it, shall be remembered. We few, we happy few, we band of brothers!! For he today, that sheds his blood with me, shall always be my brother.” Rest in peace brave soldier, you have not been forgotten. (W.Shakespeare) May God Bless you, for your Sacrifice!!!
May 10, 2008

Don Bumgarner
Marine Buddy
Whittier, CA., 90603, USA
40, Year Anniversary, RIP., My Friend, JIM
We will, be gathering for a Reunion, later this month, in Las Vegas, NV.. YOU will be with us, in MEMORY and Thought. That fateful DAY, 40, years ago, May 10, 1967, was a TUFF day, for the Company and Battalion, but MY THOUGHTS and Prayers are still, for your Family. Jim, you are still a HERO, to us. Rest in Peace, MY BROTHER! Semper Fi, Don, B, C/1/3, USMC., Vietnam, 67-68.
Aug 4, 2007

Don Bumgarner
Marine BUDDY
JIM, I will never FORGET YOU and Remember YOU, each Year, on May 10th. You were, so Young, like the rest of US. That was a TUFF morning, on May 10th, 1967, on Operation, BEAVER CAGE, in Quang Nam, Province, RVN.. After hearing of your Fate, my day, was a Daze. I Carried your Body, that night and said, my Good Bye. You were a GREAT Marine, JIM and will, ALWAYS be Missed. Jim, you were My Friend, My Buddy and like a Brother, to ME and My Family, We will, NEVER Forget YOU. I still keep in touch, with Your MOM and Family. The other GUYS, from Charlie, Company, 1st, Battalion, 3rd, Marine Regiment, 3rd, Marine Division, WILL NOT FORGET YOU either. Rest in Peace, My Friend and Know, that You were Loved, Respected and a HERO, to us ALL.
Monday, August 29, 2005

Ian Campbell
Semper Fi, Marine and HERO.
Monday, May 10, 2004

Linda Roberts (Bryan)
Jimmy, I have never forgotten, that you gave your life, for my freedom. you will always, be a hero, in my eyes. I was very young, when you died, but to this day, I remember your handsome, smiling face. Thank you. you will, never be forgotten!
Sunday, February 23, 2003

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