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Corporal, J.T. Bryan, United States, Marine Corps
* * Fellow Marine * *
Lt., Harvey... May you rest, in God's loving arms, forever. Thank you, for serving, our great country & allowing us, to breathe freely. May the good Lord, be with your family & many friends, as they think of you, often. Sir, America salutes you, for your outstanding, bravery & leadership. Semper Fidelis, Cpl., Bryan, Headquarters, The Great, Third, Marine Division, Fleet, Marine Force, of the Pacific, 1972-74. MCRD., Plt., 3122. 'Softly close, the barrack's door and turn out, the lights. Our men are all going, to the bar. It gets, quieter and quieter on the grinder, with each passing year, but there's a huge parade, of our brother Marines, from all battles and wars, passing proudly in review, even if we can't, hear them and see them, only dimly.'
Nov 18, 2008

manny g
Fellow Veteran 69-70 An Khe
Union Gap, WA. 98903
“You are Remembered”
Peace and condolence, to the family and friends. “He which hath no stomach, to this fight, let him depart. But we in it, shall be remembered. We few, we happy few, we band of brothers!! For he today, that sheds his blood with me, shall always be my brother.” Rest in peace brave soldier, you have not been forgotten. (W.Shakespeare) May God Bless you, for your Sacrifice!!!
Jun 16, 2008

Anonymous Veteran
This man was awarded, the Bronze Star and a Purple Heart. I salute YOU and thank YOU, for YOUR service, to this great nation.
Sunday, November 18, 2001

Chip Morin
Friend and fellow, Recon., Marine Lt.
28543, Tulita Lane, Menifee, CA., 92584, USA
Hey Buddy!
"Butch" Harvey was, a fellow, Recon., Marine and friend. On Nov., 18, 1970, one, of our teams made contact with NVA., in the Que Son, Mountains. The team corpsman, broke his leg during the heavy, firefight and the team called, for emergency extract. Our SOP's., called for the senior, Lt., in the company to lead, the rescue operation. As the extract, chopper pilots, were being briefed, the Recon., extract team, loaded up in the LZ., of Camp Reasoner. (base, of First, Marine Div., hill) When "Butch" realized, I was set to lead the rescue, op., he also realized I was one, of the junior, Lt's., in the Bn.. He ordered me off, the chopper and took, my place. His last words were, "the boys are going, to be thirsty, after this one." He then handed me all the cash, in his pocket and told me to go, to Freedom Hill (PX.) and buy, all the beer, I could get. By the time I got back, 30, mins., later, I was told the chopper, was down. "Butch" took my place, on that bird that day- he was a great, Marine Officer and I wish, I could have known him, longer. I was assigned only once, to gather the personal effects, of a KIA., Marine - and it was an honor, to do that for "Butch's," wife and family. I will never forget the impact, of that loss. Lt., Butch Harvey was on, the same chopper with 13, other United States, Marines and a US., Navy corpsman, that day-all gave their lives, for their country and their fellow servicemen- all died, as they lived, heroes. I want you guys to know, we flew non stop, trying to find you. We found you and brought you, home! Oh, that each of us live our lives, to honor those, of our friends that fell, that day! Semper Fi, Butch!
Sunday, October 05, 2003

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