Tami  Nantz butterfly0821@MYACC.NET Coral Springs FL 33067 Thank you 2LT Allen gave his life for my father. He died trying to pull him off Hill 689. I will never forget you and I will do my best to honor you in some way. Thank you isn't enough, but it's all I have. May you rest in peace. Nov 11, 2007 |
manny g Fellow Veteran 69-70 An Khe Union Gap, WA. 98903 You are Remembered Peace and condolence, to the family and friends. “GREATER LOVE, HATH NO MAN THAN THIS, THAT HE LAY DOWN HIS LIFE, FOR HIS FRIENDS” **John 15:13** “You are my friend, always remembered, never forgotten.” May God Bless you, for your Sacrifice!!! Jun 27, 2007 |
Ray Harton mc2316774@aol.com Fellow Marine http://www.father-capodanno.org "He which hath no stomach to this fight, let him depart. But we in it shall be remembered we few, we happy few, we band of brothers. For he today, that sheds his blood with me, shall always be my brother." (W.Shakespeare) Rest in Peace, Brave Marine, you have not, been forgotten. Semper-Fi! Cpl., Harton, USMC., Ret., Vietnam, 1967, 5th, Marines. Wednesday, June 27, 2001 |
Kristine Maas dkcdmaas@wcnet.org Niece Holgate, Ohio 43524 Henry Greatly loved and sadly missed. Dale's family experienced a moving Memorial Day this past May (2001) when the guest speaker was giving his address and quoted the grave location in our local cemetery without identifying him first. He proceeded to tell how Dale and himself were buddies in school together and that because of what he saw on the tombstone April 4, 1941 - June 27, 1967 Dale had completed is duties here on earth. When he went to his own tombstone he seen his birth date with a - (dash) He reminded us all that we are living in the dash part of our lives and should make the most of it. As his niece, and living close by I have taken the responsiblity of caring for the grave site. Each Memorial Day it is trimed in RED WHITE AND BLUE. I was only about 2 when he left for Vietnam and have one special picture with him holding my sister and I in his uniform. I think of him often and any information anyone would have would be wonderful. Dale's mother Rosella Allen is still living along with his three brothers, Gary, Terry and Neal in his hometown. God Bless America Sunday, July 01, 2001 |
Jennifer McLeaster foofurr2@aol.com None 11320 Lynchburg Way Indianapolis, Indiana 46229 USA Gratitude I never knew you or have ever even seen your name before today, but I know you when I look into my fathers' eyes each day. My father was 2 years older, and was in Vietnam in the early years, and made it home in 1964. My father has rid himself of all his medals and ribbons for all of you whose name embrace the wall. He feels he did not deserve them as he made it home, for you are the heroes who deserve recognition. So for you and all whose name embrace the wall I have written something so you know your memory lives on. Gratitude. For my Father, Charles R McLeaster USMC, Vietnam Walking out of my door I can honestly breathe My son by side, a sigh of relief I can look at the stars, I can run through the trees I can see the sunset with my mind put at ease Little league games and droplets of dew I owe all that I have, everything, all to you Out there on the front lines, risking your lives Those in the air making their sacrifice Putting your fears and souls at bay So I can have one more story, one more day All those before me, and all of you now Fighting for my life and freedom somehow Gratitude I could not possibly repay One more life you saved today. Jennifer Lynn McLeaster copyright (c) 2002 Thursday, April 04, 2002 |
Kimberly Kimmel-Ober kimabmitz@earthlink.net admirer Encinitas, California, United States, of America For 2LT/01, Dale Allen and all those, who knew him and loved him, I just want to say thank you, for your dedication and sacrifice! Please know, that you have, not been forgotten and always will hold a special place, in my heart! It would have been nice, to have known you, as a person and I greatly, appreciate your service! I just wish, you did not have to pay, so, high a price! You forever will, be a hero, in my eyes! Friday, April 05, 2002 |
Jim Helmick fellow vet. Seattle, Wa., 98146, USA For you, your family & friends. we didn't, forget about you. Rev: 21, 4&5 Tuesday, April 04, 2006 |