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LArry  MUse
10914, Mayfield Road, Houston., TX., 77043, USA
I Know, Now Why
I know, now why....I know now why, men, who have been to war, yearn to reunite. Not to tell stories, or look, at old pictures. Not to laugh, or weep, on one another's knee. Comrades gather, because they long to be, with men who once acted their best, men who suffered and sacrificed, who were stripped raw, right down to their humanity. I did not pick these men. They were delivered, by fate and the U. S., Marine, Corps. But I, know them, in a way I know no other men. I have never, since given, anyone such trust. They were, willing, to guard something, more precious than my life. They would, have carried my reputation, the memory of me. It was part of the bargain, we all made, the reason we were so willing, to die for one another. I cannot say, where, we are headed. Ours, are not, perfect friendships, those are the province of legend and myth. A few of my comrades, drift far, from me now, sending back, only occasional word. I know, that one day, even these, could fall to silence. Some of these men, will stay close, a couple, perhaps, always at hand. As long, as I have memory, I will think of them all, every day. I'am sure, that when I leave this world, my last thoughts, will be, of my family and my comrades, such good men. Author, Michael Norman. Taken from his book, "These good men: Friendships Forged From War", the chapter titled, Reunions, Page 293. Norman was, a Marine, with Golf, 2/9, 1967 - 1969, "Cruel War"
Oct 4, 2007

Larry  Muse
10914, Mayfield Road, Houston, Tx., 77043, USA
Remembered you today
We Will Remember Them...
They shall not grow old,
as we that are left to grow old
Age shall not weary them,
nor the years condemn
At the going down of the sun
and in the morning
We will remember them
Johnny you were a hero to many!
Oct 1, 2007

Larry Muse
10914, Mayfield Road, Houston, TX., 77043, USA
Johnny, On this Memorial Day, 2007, you are, remembered, as well, as are, the rest, of your brothers and sisters, that died in Vietnam! RIP hero!
May 28, 2007

Manuel Pino Bco 2/8th 1st Cav 68-69
Fellow Cav Brother and Medic
HSC 15th Med Bn

The proud young valor that rose above the mortal and then, at last, was mortal after all. Rest in peace.
Dec 28, 2006

LArry MUse
10914, Mayfield Road, Houston, TX., 77043, USA
Remembering You On This Day
Johnny, when this day, comes around, I'm reminded, of the life that was lost, way to soon! You, are not forgotten, nor will you, ever be.........RIP friend!
Nov 26, 2006

Larry Muse
10914, Mayfield, Houston, Texas, 77043, USA
I also, had the privilege, of knowing, Johnny Glen Gregg and consider myself, very fortunate, to have shared alot of quality time, with him. We worked together, but also played together, unfortunately, because of NAM, his time was cut short. Johnny had his, calling and off, to the Army, he went, along, with Billy, also a co-worker, but Johnny's, boyhood chum. They joined, on the Buddy plan, but went different ways, after boot camp. They came together, again, in Nam and it was Billy, who escourted, his buddy back home. God bless you, Billy, for that and also, for presenting, the American Flag, to Johnny's, mother. I cried, that day, something, that men and ex Marines, are not supposed, to do. Thank you, for introducing me to the Cowboys, world, bull and bronc, riding! Something, you almost talked me, into trying, but I knew better, or so, I thought. What you, did leave me, is the Love for Hank William's, music, the person, you refered, as "Luke The Drifter." Johnny, I pray, that you found, your peace and are singing, those favorite songs as you and ol Luke, drift, through eternity and as you do, remember, I still, Love you, like a brother. One, of America's best!
Wednesday, December 29, 1999

Harrell Guidry
I had, the pleasure, of knowing Johnny Gregg, for only a few short months, when we were, inducted and went through, basic together. We became, very good, friends. He was, a special type, of guy. After I came back from Nam, I looked, for him for 20, years, till, I found him on the wall. I will always, remember him, for his cheerfulness and love, for Loretta Lynn, music
Wednesday, June 16, 1999

larry muse
10914, mayfield road, houston, tx., 77043, harris
You Are Remembered!
Johnny, your sacrifice, has not been forgotten! You are missed, for sure!
Monday, May 30, 2005

Mel Moffitt
140, Shady Oaks Ln., Double Oak, TX., 75077, USA
Lost Friend
Johnny, was a good friend, in high School. It's tough, to lose, any of your friends, but especially so, when they're this close. We were, in Viet Nam, at the same time. Doing what, we were sent, there, to do. America, owes, a lot, to families of those, that didn't come back.
Thursday, August 02, 2001

Armond "Si" Simmons
A fellow DUSTOFF crewman
104, Wadsworth Lane, Pell City, AL., 35128, USA
DUSTOFF Vietnam Memorial
On behalf of fellow DUSTOFFers, please accept my condolences to the family of our comrade, Johnny Gregg. I invite family and friends to visit the official webpage of The DUSTOFF Association, a nonprofit organization for Army Medical Department enlisted and officer personnel, aviation crewmembers, and others who are (or ever were) engaged in (or actively supported in any capacity) Army aeromedical evacuation programs in war or peace. Many loved ones of our fallen comrades have found solace in visiting the site, found friends who served with their loved one and enjoyed having their family become a part of their loved one's DUSTOFF family, a relationship that we fellow DUSTOFFers cherish and respect. All the best - Si Simmons - -The DUSTOFF Association webpage: - - My DUSTOFF wepage: -
Tuesday, November 18, 2003

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