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Harrell Guidry
Groves, Tx 77619
Tomorrow, will be, 35, years. Rest well, friend.
Tuesday, November 25, 2003

larry muse
10914, mayfield road, houston, tx., 77043, USA
Time Flies, When You Are Missed!
Hey Buddie, another year has passed, but we have not forgotton, your sacrifice! I've began, a different chapter in my life, that of retirememt! Can't decide, if it's part-time, or full-time, but can say one thing, to much free time on my hands. Now, if I had, you around to play "42," or "Moon," that would be a different story. (only if!) Tell your mother, father and Bill, I miss them also! Your Friend, Larry
Wednesday, November 26, 2003

mark kapinos
rest well, my cav brother
Wednesday, November 26, 2003

LArry MUse
10914, Mayfield Road, Houston, Tx., 77043, USA
Have Not Forgot Your Sacrifice
Johnny, another year, has gone by, but you are, still remembered! Miss, what could of been. LArry
Sunday, November 28, 2004

larry muse
10914, mayfield road, houston, tx., 77043, usa
Christmas time, in the City and it Snowed
Merry, almost white, Christmas, my friend! You are missed! LArry
Saturday, December 25, 2004

Manuel Pino Jr. B co.2/8-1968
Fellow Cav Brother
REFLECTIONS FROM THE MOVING WALL". I am a monument to a black period in this countries history.I am the Vietnam wall.,composed to two angled granite walls,inscribed with the names of fifty eight thousand,one hundred thirty four American men and women who died in hell (that was Vietnam) Many people come to see me. strangely they come mostly in silence-old people,young people,children,mothers,fathers,widows,and veterans.all for reasons of their own.they bring gifts,pictures,letters,flowers,poems and cigarettes.the letters speak of grief and loneliness and regret.they ask forgiveness.they are an out pouring of pain.the people softly touch names on my face.they water my grass with tears.then they leave in silence and I hope in peace.for I am more than two stone walls.I am a thank you from a nation that forgot.I am a long past due apology.I am healing for wounds too long left untended.I am a tribute paid to fallen warriors.I AM THE VIETNAM WALL. "America has forgotten the wars.will she remember her warriors"? You may be gone , BUT YOU ARE NOT FORGOTTEN.
Friday, December 31, 2004

larry muse
10914, mayfield road,houston, tx., 77043, usa
Mother with you now!
Johnny, I know, you already know, but I wanted to post here, that your Mother Barbara, has left us on earth, Thursday, February 27th, to finally, make it home to you in heaven. She never got over, losing you! BARBARA GREGG BARTA, BORN: 7/24/27, DIED: 02/27/03. PRECEDED IN DEATH, BY HUSBANDS, LEROY GREGG, SR. AND WILLIAM BARTA AND SON, JOHNNY GREGG. SURVIVED BY CHILDREN, LEROY GREGG, JR. AND STEVE AND WIFE KAREN GREGG, GRANDCHILDREN, GLENDA AND HUSBAND, CHARLIE BROWN, JAMIE GREGG KELLIE AND HUSBAND, JUDD CASHATT, KAREE GREGG, JASON GREGG AND STUART GREGG, GREAT GRANDCHILDREN, SHELBY AND CODY BROWN AND CADE CASHATT, 2, BROTHERS, CAMILLE AND WIFE MOZELIE BROUSSARD AND HERBERT BROUSSARD, NUMEROUS NIECES, NEPHEWS AND A HOST, OF FRIENDS. Johnny, after 36, years, at peace, along side you dad, your Mother, whom loved, you two the most, has joined, the two of you on that eternal journey, through the heavens! Save a place, for the rest of us, will you?
Saturday, March 01, 2003

larry muse
10914, mayfield road, houston, tx., 77043, usa
have not forgotten your sacrifice
Johnny, here it is November 26, 2002 and I have, not forgotten you, as I promised I never would. What would, this world, have had, in store for you, if you could have made, it home? That is a ?, that I have wondered, about, for all these years. You had, the world ,by the tail and i'm sure, you would have roped it, as you did many tree stumps. Remember the time, I showed, you and Billy, how to do it, roping the stump the very first time, after you two, kept missing. Funny, the little things a person remembers, eh? Over the years, I became friends, to the Gentleman, that married your Mother, Bill Barta, whom, has since died. You would, have liked him, not a replacement for your father, but I think, a person that filled a gap, after you two left her. Johnny, have you found Luke? Is it, the big rodeo, that we have dreamed about? Here, on the surface, we've had, our share of trying times, but as the great Nation, you gave, your life to help preserve, we have shown the world, what you guy's, died for. Maybe, they will learn, one day, that because of your sacrifices, we will, never loose our pursuit, of making this a free world to all of the human race. Keep waltzing, across, the big skyes of Texas! Your buddy!
Tuesday, November 26, 2002

DeAnna McKay
Cleveland, TX.,
I did not have, the pleasure, of knowing Johnny, he died, before I was born. His mother's, brother, (Camille Broussard) was my grandfather. Both he and my grandmother, passed away recently. I did/do have, the great pleasure, of knowing and loving, his mom, Bill and the rest, of his family. On a trip, to The Wall, when I was, in the 8th, grade, I made, a shading of Johnny's name, that is a sight and I feel, that, I will never forget. Although, I never had the honor, of knowing Johnny, I felt, "connected," to him. It was, a very, humbling experience. I do remember, looking, at his grave, when I was at Aunt Barbara's, funeral and thinking, about what he, and all the others, sacrificed, for our freedom. THANK YOU! Words, are not enough!
Thursday, October 06, 2005

LArry MUse
10914, Mayfield Road, Houston, TX., 77043, USA
This Day 37 Years Ago

Johnny, on this day, 37, years ago, your Medevac, (Dustoff) Helicopter, with crew members, Pilot, 1LT., Stephen Carl Beals, Pilot, CW2, James Donald Doran, Crew Chief SP4, John Stephen Alling, and Medic/Door Gunner, CPL., Robert Ernest Jones, were sent, on a mission to rescue, wounded soldiers, that had been ambushed, as they attempted to recover, their fallen brothers, ambushed and Killed/Wounded, in a previous firefight. What would, have been, your last mission, as a Medic/Door Gunner, went in hot, landed and loaded, these wounded soldiers: PFC., Roger Dean Algire, SP4, William Michael Ebel, PFC., Bobby James Perkins, SP4, Pietro Piconi, SP4, Curtis Hall Rainer, SP4, Patrick Edward Smith Jr. Witnesses reported, that when liftoff, was underway, the Helicopter, took, what turned out to be, .50, cal., automatic weapons, fire and exploded, crashed and burned, killing, all of you hero's, on board. Johnny, only you hero's, knew what, was happening, in that chopper at that time, but we left behind, known heroic attempts were being made, by you and the rest of the crew, to save the ship and the wounded aboard, but to no avail. You hero's, will, never be forgotten! Rest Well, Brother's! Hand Salute!
Saturday, November 26, 2005

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