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Kimberly Kimmel-Ober
Encinitas, California, United States, of America
For PFC/E-3, Edmond Balance and all those, who knew him and loved him, I just want to say, thank you, for your dedication and sacrifice! Please know, that you have, not been forgotten and always, will hold a special place, in my heart! It would have been nice, to have known, you, as a person and I greatly, appreciate your service! I just wish, you, did not, have to pay, so high, a price! You forever will, be a hero, in my eyes!
Thursday, November 29, 2001

Stan Meeks
Vietnam Buddy
Old Town, FL., 32680, USA
We flew from Ft. Lewis, to Da Nang, together and at the Repo Depot, we pissed off, the Command, Sargeant Major, together. He promised to get us, as far away, from him as he could. He did, we went to Recon., HHC., 1/61, 5th, Mech., at the northern, most firebases, in Vietnam, A4 and C2. When I walked point, he was my slackman. When he was killed, I was home, burying my mother. We had promiced each other, that when, we made it, home, we would buy, new Harleys and ride, across counrty, together. The promise was kept, in 1990, when I rode, to our platoon's reunion, in Las Vegas. I carried a tracing, of his name, from the Wall, in my wallet.
Saturday, February 28, 2004

karen wagner
806, Greenwood Dr., Dublin, Ga., 31021, Laurens
looking for someone who served, with my brother
my brother was very special, to our family, we miss him very much.
Sunday, May 02, 2004

Frank Singer
vietnam buddy
San Antonio, Tx. 78210, US
Thursday, October 09, 2003

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