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A Fellow  Veteran
Rocky, As another March 25th passes by you are in my thoughts.
Mar 26, 2015

A Fellow  Veteran
Another year passes and you are still remembered by those who loved you.
May 24, 2014

An old  Pal
Another year approaches. Your still remembered Rocky.
Mar 13, 2014

A fellow  Veteran
Happy Turkey day Rocky. I'll set a place for you at the table.
Nov 28, 2013

michael  mastrogiacomo
a fellow veteran
152 Prospect Park SW Brooklyn NY 11218 United States
Theres a Tree in Brooklyn with your name on it. So you will always be remembered.
Nov 10, 2013

A Fellow  Veteran
Rocky, A fellow veteran and proud American, remembers you, today. Your bravery, commitment, to duty and honor and the ultimate sacrifice, you paid. We are old, now. A life time, behind us. We look back at those, who lost their lives, in the rain and the mud and the jungle, so many years, ago. We know the sacrifice, you made. We know, the life and all the years, you lost. We remember. May, you rest well, in God's loving, embrace.
Aug 14, 2013

Tony  Braxton
A Buddy
I went to the wall today for the first time. Of course I looked you up. Your still in my thoughts almost everyday. God Bless you old friend.
May 26, 2013

A Fellow  Veteran
Sorry I missed you by a few days Rocky. Not been doing so well lately. The hep c I caught from my overseas shots is really catching up with me. Doc at the VA says I have around two years left. That's okay though. When I consider all the extra years I've had compared to you and 58,000 other guys. I've had children, and grand children. A life. You left it all on the bloody sands of the jungle. All I can do is remember you and the others.
Mar 27, 2013

Bob  Wilson
Happy Thanksgiving Rocky. I'll have a Turkey Sandwich for you today! Rest well. Until we smile together again, you are remembered.
Nov 24, 2011

A  Buddy
Veterans Day 2011. Rest well old friend.
Nov 11, 2011

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