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Garnet  Jenkins
Grand Junction Co
~ In Humble Tribute ~

A Multitude of Thanks for your Courage, Service and Dedication to our Country and for Freedom. Rest well Cpl Craig Rathbun and know that you will NEVER BE FORGOTTEN. My brother, Sgt. David Dickinson is a young hero, who also made the Supreme Sacrifice in Vietnam in 1967.....'FROM THESE HONORED DEAD, WE TAKE INCREASED DEVOTION, TO THAT CAUSE FROM WHICH THEY HERE GAVE THE LAST FULL MEASURE OF DEVOTION, THAT WE HERE HIGHLY RESOLVE, THESE DEAD SHALL NOT HAVE DIED IN VAIN'.....~Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg Address~
Jan 25, 2009

manny g
Fellow Veteran 69-70 An Khe
Union Gap, WA. 98903
“You are Remembered”
Peace and condolence, to the family and friends. "He which hath no stomach to this fight let him depart. But we in it shall be remembered. We few, we happy few, we band of brothers!! For he today, that sheds his blood with me, shall always be my brother”. Rest in peace brave soldier, you have not been forgotten. (W.Shakespeare) May God Bless You for your Sacrifice!!!
May 20, 2008

harold vinson
highschool friend
15311 E.44th. Terr. Independence mo 64055 USA
Always Friends
There are somethings only time and age will give you about life, perspective. Perspective about what is truly important in life. Family and friends I have found to hold more value ,in life ,than anything I have aquired monetarily. Craig was a true friend, I think of him often. He did what most only talk of, truly giving a sacrifice of self to serve a belieif he loved. He loved his family friends and country. Some of us who served came home and some didn't. For those who did not we honor them always.
Jul 26, 2007

Barry  Sellmeyer
4904 E. 195th St Belton Mo. 64012 Cass
We all miss you still forever young and never forgotten
I remember Craig as a Good person with a sense of humor. We had metal shop our last year at Ruskin and had a lot fun joking around.From this old Vietnam Navy Vet I salute you and will never forget the sacrifice you made for your Country and fellow soldiers. As we the survivors age and fade away you will always be a
young man. When my time comes I hope to be able to say to Craig Welcome Soldier job well done. Barry Sellmeyer Class 67
Jun 1, 2007

Diane Crawford Forte
438 SW Albatross Lee's Summit MO 64082 USA
Thank you for my freedom
Thank you for your sacrifice, Thank you for fighting a war and standing up for everything we believe in. I would only pray that I would have the courage to stand up for this wonderful country if I was asked.
As a parent I cannot imagine losing a child and I cannot imagine how difficut this has been for you, I can only say THANK YOU!
May 29, 2007

Ray Paul
Craig: I can't remember the very first time we met, but it was probably in first grade. We had lots of good times together from '55 to '67, usually at the park, often including your brother. I even got to know your sister, briefly. For many years, I have thought the same thing each time I think of you: it seems like the good die young. As much as anyone I've ever known, you were a purely good person that nobody could dislike. Your innocent blood has been sacrificed for people less worthy than yourself, including yours truly. I look forward to seeing you again. For now, all I can do is touch your name on The Wall. Thanks for your sacrifice.
Apr 8, 2007

Carolyn King
1806 Gwenivere Dive Harrisonville MO 64701 USA
To the Family of Craig Rathburn;
To have known your son in high school was a real pleasure. Craig was one of those people who everyone likes instantly. I will never forget his easy going manner and huge smile that would light up the room when he entered. I cannot begin to convey enough sympathy to you for the enormous loss your family has endured. I truly believe God has a special place in heaven for soldiers.
Apr 5, 2007

Rick  Hackett
Ruskin Classmate 1967
Lee's Summit Mo 64086
To the family, friends, and fellow comrades of Craig Rathbun. I didn't know Craig personally but I wanted to thank Craig and family for his faithful and honorable service to our country, something we didn't hear back then. As we approach the 40th year, of our graduation from Ruskin, what better time then now for his fellow classmates to celebrate the life of CPL Craig Rathbun for his commitment, dedication, and contributions to this Nation's defense and love of family. Thank You. SMSgt Richard L. Hackett (Retired) USAF/USAFR 442d Fighter Wing Whiteman AFB Mo.
Mar 18, 2007

Doug Bishop
Lees Summit MO 64063
I must admit that in the late 60's, my last thought was going to Viet Nam. Though my dad was a Marine and served for over 20 years with tours in WWII, Korea and twice in Viet Nam, I had no desire to serve in the Armed Forces. I came to KC late in my Junior year as a result of my dad being trasferred to KC. I hated having to leave California and my friends and was somewhat of a loner. A number of years ago, I had an opportunity to visit Washington DC and stood before the wall. It was an awesome and moving experience. After 9/11, I was proud to know several younger men who enlisted to serve our country. A new-found pride (and anger) over what was done to this country made me wish I could serve. With considerably more wisdom that comes with time, I thank Craig and the thousands of others who sacrificially gave of themselves. The service given, the grief and pain suffered by friends and family members will not soon be forgotten. Thank you Craig!! I know your memory will be honored later this year at our class' 40th reunion.
Mar 10, 2007

Jim Suddarth
Graduating Class President
4832 State Road BB Montreal MO 65591 USA
Ruskin High School 1967
To Craig...Know that you are missed brother, and that your country and classmates are forever indebted to you. We will honor you this year at our 40th class reunion and dedicate a page in our Memory Book to you. Sadly, you are gone but you will never be forgotten. To Craig's Family...we mourn your loss and grieve with you for a pain that never goes away. Know our thoughts are with you and of Craig, especially as we approach this 40th year to the day that many of us last saw him. Sincerely, Jim Suddarth, Senior Class President
Mar 5, 2007

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